Data shows that while Western leaders seem to be in control, the citizens of their country have greater problems.
Whether by sanctions on Moscow or arms deliveries to Kiev, Western leaders have thrown their full support behind Ukraine in response to Russia’s military operation there. As the war nears its third month of existence, however, citizens in Ukraine are becoming more focused on domestic matters.
Is Ukraine important for all people?
The citizens of 26 countries out of 27 surveyed by Ipsos International Research Center voted for Ukraine regardless of their leaders. “inflation” According to an April survey, this was their top concern. These include countries that have taken a hard line against Russia (like the US, UK, Canada, and Poland), and those that haven’t condemned Moscow (like India, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia).
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Sanctions hurt US more than Russia – poll
The four biggest concerns behind inflation were poverty, unemployment, crime and corruption. “military conflict between nations” coming in at a distant 11th, between climate change and immigration control. With 38% of Poles citing it as their most pressing issue, the war on the country’s eastern border is what worries them most. It was rated by only 20% of Americans as their top issue. Only 13% of Hungarians who share a border to Ukraine rated it the most important.
What do Westerners think about sending weapons to Ukraine
Some do. While the US has already given nearly $4 billion worth of arms to Ukraine and is on the cusp of authorizing another $40 billion military and economic aid package, a majority of respondents say they’re “okay” A Democracy Institute poll found that Ukraine has lost its conflict with Russia. A recent Democracy Institute poll found that Americans consider Russia as the fourth most dangerous country and they would prefer to see President Joe Biden leave than President Vladimir Putin.
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UK seeks Soviet weapons to support Ukraine
Yet a majority (59%) polled by Ipsos in the US last month supported arming Ukraine, as did majorities in the UK, Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, Poland, France, Germany, and Australia. It is possible for much to change within a matter of months. Germans are becoming more unhappy with the recent reversal of decades-old pacifist foreign policies to send weapons to Ukraine by their government. The latest polls by Germany’s RTL and N-TV networks show support for arming Ukraine dropping from 55% in April to 46% in May. This policy is now condemned by 44% of Germans, up 33% from April. In Poland, a majority want to go a step further and send “peacekeeping” troops into Ukraine, as ruling party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski has suggested but Poland’s NATO allies have been reluctant to do. Open war would result if NATO and Russia were to send troops from Poland into Ukraine.
But what about sanctions?
Still, sanctions enjoy wide support. Multiple polls have shown that 67% and 80% respectively of Americans support economic sanctions against Moscow. In the UK, 78% of people polled by Ipsos this month support economic sanctions on Russia, but fewer are willing to accept higher food and energy prices in order to hurt Russia’s economy. Last month’s Sunday Telegraph poll found that 36% Britons are willing to pay more for fuel in order to squeeze Putin. This is down from 50% one month prior.
The West and Russia have suffered financial loss as a result of sanctions. The US is currently facing record fuel prices and inflation for many decades. There are also shortages in food and other consumer goods. President Joe Biden tried to blame Russia by using the phrase “Putin’s price hike.”
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Surge in Americans reporting financial worries – poll
Americans aren’t buying the spin. Biden’s approval ratings have bottomed out in multiple polls, with his handling of the economy rated particularly dismally. According to some of the most recent figures, just 29% of Americans approve of Biden’s economic performance, 55% say he’s actively made the economy worse, and vast majorities say he’s not doing enough to tackle inflation (81%) or reduce shortages (73%). In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Conservatives are now losing public confidence in their management of the economy – typically their strong suit. Germany’s Olaf Scholz is also losing public support amid a drop in industrial output and a predicted decimation of the German economy should Russian energy imports be banned.
Does NATO support the West?
NATO, which was founded in Cold War era has been reenergized by the Ukraine conflict. NATO Secretary General Jens Scholtenberg called for greater investment and increased deployments to Eastern Europe. Approval of the US’ leadership of the military bloc soared in March, and citizens of Finland now overwhelmingly support joining the alliance, with 76% supporting membership this month compared to 53% in February.
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Finland’s NATO membership will trigger response – Moscow
On Thursday, Sauli Niinisto, Finnish President and Sanna Marin, Prime Minister of Finland stated that they plan to “rapidly” seek NATO membership. However, the population of Sweden isn’t as sure, with 57% supporting membership in the alliance last month, up from 51% in March. The Swedish government is expected to apply next week for the bloc along with Finland, according to media reports. In Austria, a neutral country, the vast majority of the population (75%) oppose NATO membership, while a slim majority of people in Ireland – also neutral – want to stay out of the alliance.