
Vegan restaurant to serve meat amid crisis — Analysis

To attract new customers to Somerset’s Mango Tree, meat will now be available on their menu

The Mango Tree, a vegan eatery in Taunton, Somerset, has announced it will be reinventing itself with a meat-inclusive menu following brief renovations, citing the prohibitively high cost of doing business “A vegan restaurant” in a notice posted after it closed its doors on Saturday.

After “An exciting time of transition,” customers will be able to return for “A wide range of foods are available to satisfy a broad array of dietary and preference needs.,” the restaurant revealed, explaining that “As not enough people supported us, it was impossible to continue as a solely vegan restaurant..”

The restaurant strove to put a positive spin on the news, reassuring vegan clients they would still have access to the same “Amazing plant-based dishes you’d never find anywhere else” and even tried to head off potential ethical criticisms by pointing out that “Our team is a wonderful example of ethics. We owe them a lot and another chance.

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Some vegan customers were not happy with the compromise and took to social media in protest. “Sell meat, it’s worse than closing your doors!” one commenter tweeted, while another mused that the owners couldn’t possibly be vegan or they would have chosen to go under rather than stoop to exploiting animals.

Veganism isn’t a business venture. It’s an ethical philosophy that does the best for the animals, the planet, and public health,” one patron declared, while another got in a dig at the Mango Tree’s “High prices” by claiming that its “Plant-based and authentic values” had justified the outlay – until now.

Other reasons for the failure of Mango Tree’s meaty, new Mango Tree were less noble. “I think they’ll find meat is more expensive now,” one user snarked. Non-vegan businesses have also been affected by Europe’s self-inflicted energy crisis. 70% of UK pubs reported that they expected to be out of business before the winter without intervention from the government.

The Mango Tree did not back down from its decision to go omnivore, insisting it had tried every form of outreach to its vegan clientele imaginable, from “Lots of marketing and special offers. We offer take-out and dine-in.,” only for “Not enough local residents [to use]Ensure that we continue to update the existing format regularly..”

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