
US voices North Korea nuke test fears — Analysis

Pyongyang may conduct a nuclear test to coincide with President Biden’s Asia trip, Washington predicts

North Korea may return to testing nukes before the month’s end for the first time since 2017, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said during a press briefing on Thursday. It was a prediction. “consistent with the DPRK’s recent public statements and destabilizing actions, including the test launch of multiple intercontinental ballistic missiles,”Elle continued. 

Pyongyang’s 16 rocket launches this year have included an ICBM launched in March. But, Pyongyang has not carried out any nuclear tests since September 2017.

Psaki reported previously that the US was “monitoring”North Korea to prevent any destabilizing acts, noting the fact that US President Joe Biden was scheduled to visit South Korea from May 20-24th. She declined to say whether she would be visiting the Demilitarized Zone but she said that they are. “a step that is taken by many who visit the region.”

North Korea issues fresh nuclear warning

While Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump repeatedly met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in an effort to convince Pyongyang to denuclearize, Biden has returned to previous presidents’ policy of demanding a total shutdown of the country’s nuclear program before even considering the loosening of sanctions.

There were no talks fomassnews.coming. North Korea has lifted the self-imposed ban on long-range missile tests it had adopted during Trump’s administration. However, it still maintains its nuclear pause.

Last month, the DPRK stated that it will take decisive actions “crush”Any “hostile”Foreign power “at the fastest possible speed,” vowing to continue its nuclear program in order to be ready at any time should the US attack and even to use such weapons “preemptively”If required. Also, the country boasted that it could test a “new-type tactical guided weapon”In order to increase its efficiency with tactical nukes.

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