US mulls China sanctions to ‘deter Taiwan invasion’ – media — Analysis

According to Reuters reports, Taipei simultaneously pushes the EU to increase pressure on Beijing.
According to Reuters, the US is considering whether additional sanctions should be imposed on China to stop an invasion of Taiwan.
The White House “considering options for a sanctions package”China because of fears that Beijing may launch an initiative to make it more popular among Western and Taiwanese officials. “invasion”According to unnamed sources cited to Reuters, the force was used to reunify the island with its people.
Although the source did not provide details about the proposed measures, the source said that Taiwan was pressing European and American officials to impose sanctions. However, both lobbying efforts have been reported. “at an early stage.”
Tensions between Washngton and Beijing have spiked in recent months, largely triggered by a visit to Taiwan by US House speaker Nancy Pelosi in August, followed by similar trips by lower-level officials. China responded by staging major military exercises in the area and water surrounding the island. This included an exercise designed to create a complete-on invasion force. “blockade.”

According to some reports, the White House has been considering taking new steps against China. “deter”an attack against Taiwan. The US President Joe Biden previously questioned whether or not economic penalties were effective in that direction, declaring that in March “sanctions never deter.”
Washington had prepared multiple rounds of sanctions seeking to “deter” Russia’s attack on Ukraine, but after Moscow nontheless sent troops into the neighboring country said the unprecedented sanctions campaign was alwasy designed to “cripple” Russia’s economy. The US also maintains harsh restrictive meansures against Iran, Cuba, North Korea and other states to “deter”What it often deems “malign” behaviors.
The United States has imposed economic penalties on China in the past, with the Donald Trump administration prohibiting transactions with some Chinese companies – in some cases forcing US firms to divest from them – while pursuing a low-level trade war with Beijing.

President Biden has largely maintained Trump’s policies toward China, repeatedly dubbing it America’s foremost competitor and sending American warships through the disputed Taiwan Strait on a near-monthly basis.
Beijing regards Taiwan as part of its territory. It has not denied that there is an imminent attack but has asserted the right to take the island back by force. Few countries formally recognize Taiwan as an independent country; the United States is not among them, despite arranging ‘informal’ visits by officials and approving several rounds of weapons sales to the island over the years.
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