Trial of 96-year-old Nazi concentration camp secretary charged with complicity to murder over 10,000 people begins in Germany — RT World News

A former Nazi concentration camps secretary, aged 96, has started her trial in Germany. She was arrested after trying to flee from charges that she had been complicit in the deaths of many thousands.
Irmgard Furchner, the first woman ever to be tried for Nazi crimes, was charged with complicity at the death of over 10,000 victims in the Stutthof concentration camps in occupied Poland. She also served as a secretary.
In an effort to skip a hearing, the 96-year old fled the country earlier in the year. She left the Quickborn retirement home on September 30, where she lived. After being caught, she was arrested in Hamburg. “under the condition of precautionary measures”After being fitted with an elektronischer Tag.
The pensioner worked in camp commander Paul Werner Hoppe’s office, as a secretary, between June 1943 and April 1945, taking dictation and handling correspondence. Hoppe was later convicted of accessory to murder and sentenced by a Bochum court to nine years imprisonment. also available
After a dramatic escape attempt, a 96-year-old ex Nazi death camp secretary is released in the midst of trial
Stutthof camp is thought to have seen 65,000 deaths, which includes “Jewish prisoners, Polish partisans and Soviet Russian prisoners of war,”According to court records.
The judge told her she did not want to make it in the dock for the trial. However, the International Auschwitz Committee said she had shown “a” “contempt for the survivors and also for the rule of law” during court proceedings.
Furchner’s trial comes after a 100 year-old man is accused of helping and abetting thousands of victims at Sachsenhausen, Germany. Josef Schuetz (the oldest defendant in a Nazi-era trial) has said he’s innocent.
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