
Penuma: Thwarting Insecurities in Men, One Procedure at a Time

Newsflash: A negative body image can impact anyone. While often the focus on physical insecurities is seen through a woman’s lens, men also can harbor antagonistic attitudes about the way they look. Feeling insecure about one’s appearance isn’t gendered, and this insecurity can be amplified by marketing that prefers physical attributes over physical and emotional health — but Penuma wants to change that.

According to a study by Bradley University, “The reality is, male body image is just as complex an issue as female body image, one that requires much more research as we begin to understand it.

“Just like with female body image, male body image is driven by a number of factors, not just media pressure and the need to fit society’s ‘ideal body.’ Once we as a society can understand that men are more than the bulk of their muscles — just as women are more than the circumference of their waists — we can begin to change the culture of ideal bodies toward more productive ends of health, body acceptance, and celebration of all body types. For men no less than women, the results of unhealthy body expectations are far-reaching, affecting how boys grow up viewing themselves, leading to the development of eating disorders or muscle dysmorphia, and ultimately making for an unhappy, unsatisfied lifestyle.”

Penuma: FDA-Cleared Implant

The most insidious impact of negative body image marketing is perhaps by ads claiming penile enhancement. Most of the products target men’s self-doubts yet don’t produce any results. To make matters more complicated, these products are based on anecdotal evidence and lack U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval or clearance. All but one. 

Penuma, also known as Himplant, is the first FDA-cleared penile enhancement device available in the market that has a long track record of success. Developed by renowned urologist Dr. James Elist, Penuma is the product of years of research and development, as well as market research. He created this product, in consultation with other leading physicians, as a response to a common theme among his patients: low self-esteem due to penis size concerns.

“When you feel good about the way you look, you are more likely to relax and enjoy the sexual experience,” said Elist. “Taking steps to increase your confidence also leads to better communication with your partner. That results in a more satisfying experience for both of you and, consequently, a better relationship.”

Real People Praise Penuma

Elist is understandably proud of Penuma, but to get the real skinny on its effectiveness, patient testimonials paint a very clear picture.

“Prior to the procedure, my life was full of insecurity regarding intimacy, it made me feel like avoiding sexual contact,” said Brandyn K., one of Elist’s patients. Brandyn noted that after receiving the implant, his life completely changed. He is no longer afraid of sexual contact and is confident in intimacy with anyone. “Life,” he wrote, “is good again.”

Brandyn is not alone in feeling this way. “This was a life-altering experience for me. Something I thought would be a burden in my life has changed since I went through the procedure,” said Eric G. 

The transformative effect is all the more awe-inspiring given how uncomplicated the procedure is. It usually lasts about 45 minutes, during which a soft silicone implant is surgically inserted under the skin of the penis.

Common comments from satisfied patients include: “Extremely pleased with the results,” “Walk around with a little more confidence,” “Wish I had done it sooner,” and “This can raise the quality of your life.”

As with any procedure, the Penuma isn’t 100% free of complications. However, in the minority of cases where issues arise, they usually happen because of improper post-op care compliance. The most challenging protocol for recipients of Penuma is the no-sex rule for at least six weeks after the procedure to ensure proper healing. 

Admittedly, this requires a bit of patience. But Penuma recipients aren’t alone through the healing process. They receive post-op care and can even receive this care remotely. What makes the healing process after the procedure easier for most is the emphasis on information from the get-go. 

Due to the stigma and sensitivity surrounding the topic, most people typically research for years before they finally reach out for an enhancement. 

“I researched this procedure for over two years. During that time, I exchanged dozens of emails that were promptly returned. I am very pleased with the result of my procedure. Wish I had done it sooner,” said patient Joe Y.

Elist’s sensitive approach to the issue has also earned him admiration, resulting in more men comfortably opening up to him and working with him to figure out the best way forward.

Still, the number of people satisfied with the results and yet prefer anonymity sheds light on the societal taboo associated with male sexual health. Most of Elist’s patients hadn’t even discussed Penuma with anyone else for fear of being judged. 

The list of happy Penuma customers keeps growing. But the people this implant has helped aren’t only its recipients, but their partners as well. 

“I am writing this on behalf of my husband. Saved our marriage. Not that we were not happy, but we were having difficulties in bed and now life is extremely more enjoyable for both of us.” wrote Olivia T.

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