Traumatic Injuries from Car Accidents

An automobile accident-related trauma is a genuine and serious condition. TBI, PTSD, mental anguish, emotional distress, or an adjustment disorder are the most typical manifestations. It can obstruct a person’s capacity to recoup medically, go back to a job, carry out daily routines, and in extreme situations, productively restore their lifestyles prior to the vehicle catastrophe. Make sure you have the right coverage, such as non subscriber.
What is Trauma?
It is an auto accident victim’s reaction to the upsetting nature of the incident. An accident victim thus frequently experiences a loss of control, helplessness, anguish, and bewilderment as well as a loss of identity and self-worth and an inability to cope. Survivors of car accidents frequently experience anxiety whether operating a vehicle or traveling as a passenger.
Following a vehicle accident, a person may have the following medical disorders as a result of their trauma: TBI, PTSD, mental anguish, emotional distress, adjustment disorder, and mental distress.
- TBI. One of the main reasons for TBI-related hospitalizations is motor vehicle accidents. A traumatic brain injury impairs a person’s brain’s ability to operate normally. Many severe brain injuries won’t show up on MRI or CT scans for medical diagnosis, but they can still cause dramatic alterations in emotional functioning, especially in the frontal lobe.
- PTSD. Studies have indicated that more than 30% of those who survive car accidents get PTSD.
- Mental distress. Mental distress includes the mental health conditions or psychological or psychiatric injuries that a car crash victim may experience after having been in a collision. It is brought on by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event, such as an automobile crash, and it causes survivors to feel intense fear, helplessness, or horror.
- Emotional Distress. This may be just as crippling and life-changing as physical wounds like shattered bones. For the best chance of recovery, quick diagnosis and treatment are essential.
In having to adjust to their injuries, treatment, and limitations in order to live their post-crash life, victims of vehicle accidents sometimes experience great stress and anxiety, which leads to adjustment disorder.
If you notice any of the following symptoms, you may be experiencing the effects of trauma from a vehicle accident. You should see your doctor right once to get a rapid diagnosis and to begin the appropriate treatment:
- Flashbacks of the car collision or reliving it
- Recurring nightmares about the car accident
- Attempting to avoid thinking about or discussing the car accident
- Avoiding operating a car or traveling in one
- A lack of emotional response
- Avoid engaging in activities you used to like
- Having no hope for the future
- Loss of awareness forgetting what happened just before the collision
- Memory loss of the crash’s immediate aftermath
- Feeling dizzy, lost, or uncertain
- Feeling sleepy and/or being challenging to awaken
- Difficulty with reasoning and clear thinking
- Decision-making and problem-solving challenges
- Having trouble focusing and paying attention. Having trouble communicating.
- Changes in mood Lower levels of energy
- Alteration in sex drive
- Modification of sleep habits
- Sleep problems
- Planning and organizing challenges
- Increased hostility
Do I Have a Case if I Suffer Trauma From a Vehicle Accident?
You can hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit and seek compensation for unpaid and overdue medical bills, attendant care, medical mileage, replacement services, and lost wages because your stress and emotional injuries prevented you from returning to work if your auto insurance company denies or terminates your auto No-Fault insurance benefits related to the injury you sustained.
Additionally, you have the right to sue the at-fault driver for pain and suffering damages, but you must first establish that the other driver was to blame for the car accident and that you as a result experienced a “serious impairment of body function” as defined by Michigan’s auto crash threshold law.
In addition, you might be able to sue the at-fault motorist for additional financial losses such as inflated current and future medical costs and lost earnings.
How Much Trauma Compensation Can I Expect?
Your ability to obtain compensation will be based on a number of variables. Courts will take into account whether you are entitled to unpaid, past-due no-fault benefits, pain and suffering compensation from the at-fault driver or additional monetary damages.