4 Signs That You Need a Dental Bridge
Dental hygiene is incredibly important, and it’s something that many people take for granted. If you’re not taking care of your teeth, you could be setting yourself up for a lot of problems down the road, including tooth decay, gum disease, and even loss of teeth. These can steal your confidence and ruin your quality of life, but they can almost always be avoided. The best way to prevent a costly dental bill is by maintaining good oral hygiene at home.
One problem that most people have is knowing when it might be time for a dental bridge. The key to prevention is being proactive about oral health care and getting regular check-ups. And if you do happen to need a dental bridge, it’s better to catch the problem early rather than wait until it becomes an emergency. A quick fix can become an expensive nightmare, so it’s good to get your health care provider on the lookout for any potential problems. If you have any of these four signs, it might be time to contact your dentist for an evaluation.
1. You Have Lots of Cracked or Chipped Teeth
This can be caused by grinding or other behaviors, but the result is the same: weakened teeth that are easy to damage. Because teeth aren’t living tissue, they don’t have pain receptors that would let you know that you’re hurting them. You can diagnose yourself by placing a cotton ball in your mouth overnight. If the cotton ball has teeth marks on it, then you’re probably grinding your teeth.
2. Your Gums are Swollen or Receding
When your gums start to recede, they leave bits of the tooth exposed. This makes them vulnerable to bacteria and decay. It can also cause bad breath and a general feeling of being unwell. Gum recession is often caused by plaque and tartar buildup, so getting regular cleanings at the dentist is important. By so doing, you will prevent your teeth from future serious damage.
3. Your Teeth Are Wobbly or Loose
Losing teeth can cause problems with eating and speaking, not to mention its effect on your self-esteem. Dental bridges are an option for replacing missing teeth, but they require regular cleanings and check-ups in order to stay in place. If you’re noticing that your teeth are feeling loose or wobbly, it’s time to make an appointment with your dentist. Here, the dentist will place a bridge and check to ensure it’s properly fitted. This will help keep your teeth secure and prevent you from losing them.
4. You Have Diabetes
People with diabetes are more susceptible to gum disease and tooth decay. This is because the high blood sugar levels create an environment perfect for bacteria to grow. If you have diabetes, it’s important to see your dentist every six months for a check-up. This will help to prevent any serious problems down the road.
If you’re noticing these signs, it might be time to sit down with your dentist for an evaluation. Dental bridges are just one option for replacing missing teeth, but they’re among the most affordable and effective options. Even if you haven’t lost any of your teeth yet, there’s no reason not to take preventative measures early rather than wait for a problem to develop. Prevention is the best medicine, after all.