Tinder gets political — Analysis

French users of dating apps will be encouraged by the government to vote in the forthcoming presidential elections
Dating app Tinder and civil rights NGO ‘A Voté’ jointly announced on Wednesday that they were launching a campaign to encourage young French people to register and vote in the upcoming presidential election.
Tinder users can browse potential matches by clicking on a video card that has the following message. “If you’re dating near home… Then vote near home!”

For all users active in France of the app, aged 18-25 years old, this reminder will remain live through April 8.
Those who click on the message will be redirected to the ‘A Voté’ site, which provides people with all the information they need to vote in the 2022 presidential election.
In France, mis-registration on the electoral lists, mostly caused by moving home, affected 7.6 million people in 2017, including 51% of 25- to 29-year-olds, according to sociologist Céline Braconnier. Tinder users are among the most vulnerable to voting error and absenteeism.
Ben Puygrenier from Tinder France spokeswoman, saying that the initiative will “help the young generation to recognize that together they have a voice.”
France’s presidential election kicks off on April 10, with incumbent Emmanuel Macron facing stiff opposition from a number of right-wing candidates.
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