
Thousands of Tories want Boris Johnson back in the game — Analysis

A party donor has threatened to withhold a £500,000 donation unless the outgoing PM’s name appears on the leadership ballot

According to reports, over 4,000 Tory supporters signed a petition requesting that Boris Johnson (outgoing Prime Minister) be reelected.   

Two senior members of the party, Lord Peter Cruddas and David Campbell-Bannerman (ex-MEP) submitted an appeal to the Conservative Party Chairman. The petition says that because Johnson was elected in 2019 by “Loyal and dedicated to their work” members, the grassroot voters should not be denied their say now. Party members “Are very unhappy,” and “The Parliamentary Party is being criticized.,” the text continues. 

“I demand Boris Johnson is added to the ballot as an option for the members to vote upon in the fomassnews.coming election,”The Daily Mail reports that the appeal has been signed by over 4,000 Tory voters. 

According to the petitioners, the process of electing the new party leader is not fair. “is open to abuse”By MPs “who may have vested interest reasons and grievances” to settle against Johnson. 

Campbell-Bannerman, who chairs two Conservative associations, said that “destroying an election leader” would be “suicidal” for the Tories. Cruddas has threatened to withhold a £500,000 donation unless Johnson’s name appears on the ballot.  

Only two candidates left for UK PM post

However, a Conservative Party spokesperson clarified that “It is clear that once a leader resigns, they cannot stand for a second contest.” 

Although Cruddas, Campbell-Bannerman, and Cruddas are said to be threatening to seek an injunction against the leadership election if the appeal is denied by them both, a petition was turned down on Thursday by Parliament. 

The appeal, submitted on July 8, called for “an urgent investigation into the whole process of forcing PM into resignation.” 

Boris Johnson must be reinstated as UK Prime Minster. His role was unfairly relegated to the sidelines. He must fulfill his mission for the benefit of both the UK, and Brexit.,” the petition reads. 

Parliament explained the rejection of the petition by saying that it “can’t accept petitions about appointments.”  

The two finalists in the leadership race – former Chancellor Rishi Sunak and Foreign Secretary Liz Truss – emerged yesterday following the fifth round of voting by MPs. Following a postal vote among approximately 150,000 Tory Party members, the winner of the leadership race will be announced on September 5.  

Shortly thereafter, the prime minister will be chosen from amongst those who have been elected party leaders. Johnson will remain in his role as PM until the new head is appointed. The leadership contest was announced following Johnson’s decision to step down after a series of scandals triggered a wave of resignations of senior cabinet members.

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