The Media Industry is Rapidly Changing

Ken Kurson has worked at the intersection of media and politics for many years. He has had a front-row seat to the dramatic changes that are taking place within the industry. The reality of the situation is such that technology has been the driving force behind this change. Not any different than other industries, the media industry has had some actors that have been able to successfully adapt to these changes, and others that have not.
Those that have been stubborn so as not to adapt accordingly have suffered economically. Indeed, the economic model of the typical media property has changed drastically over the last decade – and understandably so. The changes that continue to take place are a function of broader changes happening in commercial industry and society more generally. Instead of resisting the change however, wise and prudent press barons and publishers have embraced it and sought out opportunities it has created.
Indeed there are a plethora of opportunities that can be capitalized upon in the interest of engendering a larger audience of readership for outlets. Media properties have increasingly transitioned from print formats to digital formats in recent years. For some, this has provided additional sources of revenue. Naturally, the opportunity to generate advertising revenue through digital subscriptions and other means has been a life-saver for those media properties that have really been suffering economically through this all. Ken Kurson has been a promoter of those outlets that have sought to capitalize on these changes in the interest of not only generating more readers but also becoming more financially sustainable.
The changes that technology has brought upon the media industry are indeed numerous. But one thing that cannot possibly be underestimated is the ways in which media properties have seen their financial situations rapidly change as a direct consequence. These changes have been dramatic in some cases – but as significant as they’ve been, they have also been constructive for many. Let’s hope that in the interest of continuing to foment and promote journalism for the next generation, there is continued investment expended on utilizing technology to promote and build media properties in an organic and sustainable fashion.