Study makes major prediction for tea drinkers — Analysis
Britons who say they drink at least two cups of tea per day tend to live longer than those who don’t, a study of the national health database has revealed.
Researchers analyzed almost 500,000 patients aged between 40-60 who were included in UK Biobank. This database is designed to investigate possible relationships between different medical conditions as well as genetic or environmental factors. On Tuesday, the paper appeared in Annals of Internal Medicine. The goal of this study was to find out if tea-drinking patterns and mortality were related.
After poring over a decade’s worth of data, the researchers found that “higher tea intake was modestly associated with lower all-cause mortality risk among those who drank two or more cups per day.”According to the report, regardless of how much coffee participants consumed or how efficient their genetic ability was at metabolizing caffeine, this trend was consistent.
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Although the study doesn’t prove causality, it does show correlation. The database did not include factors such as cup sizes. According to the National Institutes of Health Bethesda (USA), the findings do suggest that this beverage could be part of a healthy diet.
It is important because this report focuses on the health benefits of green tea. This tea has been more widely studied than black tea in Asia.
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