Revenge porn skyrockets amid pandemic — Analysis
According to law enforcement figures, the number of London revenge porn incidents reported by the Metropolitan Police has risen sharply from December 2020.
London has the most number of revenge porn complaints “had risen by 698 between October 1, 2020 and October 31, 2021,”The Daily Mail reported that the Daily Mail used information it obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. It is believed that the surge represents a “329% increase over a 13-month period,”The tabloid stated.
In alleged revenge porn cases, women are still disproportionately targeted. “a total of 572 cases when compared to the 177 reports last year.”According to The Mail, the number of cases where an alleged victim has been charged in between 10-17 instances per year is quadrupled.
According to experts who have helped victims of revenge porn, the Covid-19 epidemic may have played a significant role in driving the rise of this type of crime. They said that there is no indication of this crime slowing down.
Revenge porn – publication of intimate pictures of a victim without their consent with intent to cause distress – was outlawed in England and Wales as a specific crime in 2015 and is punishable by up to two years in prison. Domestic Abuse Act also criminalized threats of revenge porn this year.
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