Poll on most popular books reveals ‘surprising trend’ — Analysis

According to polls, Americans chose Trump books this year.
A survey conducted in the USA found that three of the top five bestsellers from the 2021 New York Times Bestseller List were books about Donald Trump, his final year as president and the reasons for their popularity.
Survey firm OnePoll asked 2,000 Americans to say which books they have read from 2021’s New York Times Best Seller list.
This was revealed by the survey “a surprising trend towards nonfiction and current events, with three of the top five most popular books specifically focused on President Trump’s final year in office,”OnePoll reported.
‘Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administration’s Response to the Pandemic That Changed History,’ written by Washington Post reporters Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta, topped the most-read-books list. These authors “describe in sobering detail how the Trump White House chose to forget about the current pandemic while it was still going on,”The Washington Post published a review.

The second place was occupied by ‘Walk In My Combat Boots: True Stories from America’s Bravest Warriors,’ a work based on a collection of interviews with service members, according to its description on Amazon.
Carol Leonnig (Washington Post reporter) and Philip Rucker came third. The work, titled ‘I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump’s Catastrophic Final Year,’ also focuses on Trump’s response to the pandemic, as well as on his failed attempts to contest his loss in the 2020 presidential election.
Yet another book about Trump was reported as fourth most-read by the respondents to OnePoll’s survey. ‘Midnight in Washington: How We Almost Lost Our Democracy and Still Could,’ authored by Democratic Party Congressman Adam Schiff, is an account of the riot on January 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters broke through police barricades and briefly overran the US Capitol.
The fifth most-read book was ‘Not All Diamonds and Rosé: The Inside Story of The Real Housewives from the People Who Lived It,’ by Dave Quinn.
The three mentioned books about Trump also landed on OnePoll’s top five ‘Best Books of 2021’ list, occupying second, fourth and fifth places.
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