Police share images of suspect in brutal street murder — Analysis

Last weekend, a brutal killing in Warsaw, Poland, sparked anger. After confronting some men who harassed a young girl, a man was attacked and stabbed to his death. Many suspect that the culprits were migrants.
It happened on New World Street in Warsaw’s center, a historic street. Police released photos of one suspect from a CCTV camera on Thursday and asked for the help of the public.
A bystander filmed the fatal brawl as well as its aftermath. The incident is captured in one video. It shows an individual engaging in combat with at least three opponents. As people looked on, or passed by, he is seen being kicked and pushed to the ground.
The other one has graphic imagesAs people stop bleeding, the victims are seen lying in bloody clothes on the floor. The same individual appears to have shot both videos. He comments in Surzhyk (a mix of Russian and Ukrainian) on what happened, which is widely used in parts of Ukraine. He has a distinctive Ukrainian accent, and comments with glee about how his footage might help police catch and identify the attackers.
Polish media reported that the brawl broke out after some migrants began harassing a young lady on the street. According to some reports, the victim came to her aid and gave his life in order for it. Although some believe that the attackers may have been Ukrainians, there’s no supporting evidence.
In Poland, the news was made national by the fact that it took place in Warsaw and that so many people witnessed the murder. Some public figures said it was a wakeup call for authorities to take a zero-tolerance attitude towards foreigners abusing the country’s hospitality.

Prominent conservative Polish lawyer Jerzy Kwasniewski said the alternative to being tough on crime was tolerating violence committed by migrants and having so-called “no-go zones”, where police dare not go. Janusz Wojciechowski MEP confronted him over his exclusion of migrants and they agreed to hold all criminals accountable.
The head of the ultranationalist National Movement party, MP Robert Winnicki criticized Poland’s conservative government from the right as he commented on the death in the New World Street.
“The mass immigration policy pursued by PiS, following the example of the West, has ‘Western’ effects,”He tweets about the Law and Justice party and their policy to allow guest workers from Ukraine to travel to Poland to help boost the country’s labor force.
Lukasz Warzecha (liberal-conservative journalist) warned against jumping to any conclusions.
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