Paper on racism in a coffee cup ‘scores praise’ — Analysis
Swedish student denies mocking paper CRT using milk and coffee. Scored by university professor
Adulterating black coffee with white milk is an act of racism, a tongue-in-cheek Swede has proclaimed in an essay – only to find his work praised by a critical whiteness studies teacher at Stockholm University, he claims.
Arvid Haag, student says he took the course in “Critical whiteness perspectives on Nordic culture”As he talked to Fria Tider (Free Times), Haag said that his choice was a joke and that he had made it up during the autumn term at Stockholm University. Haag said that the rules for local pandemic grants had provided him and others with unexpected financial assistance, which he believed he could afford. “get something fun out of it”He accepted a class he believed was harmless but absurd.
Haag says he found his classmates quickly. “seriously believed in what was taught.”
“It is one thing that there is a course coordinator in Sweden who thinks this makes sense. But everyone who read the course seemed to swallow this with gusto,”Haag was apparently shocked to hear that the American-born ideology is so widely accepted by his countrymen. Although he stated that he did not know the truth, he assured reporters that he knew. “added some critical comments from time to time” during class discussions, he largely remained silent otherwise – until it came time to turn in his final paper.
Haag’s magnum opus was an essay titled “Black and white drinks,”He outlined the details in these words “an account of what happened from the early 20th century in the struggle between coffee and milk.” He described the marketing of coffee, reveling in ‘problematic’ ethnic terms: how it had been “characterized by highlighting black and exotic elements of the drink,”While milk, on the other hand, was promoted based upon its properties “local and white” characteristics.
His question was about the widespread practice of mixing milk and coffee. “reconciling”The liquids or, if you prefer it. “imposing”Black drinks have white-colored properties.
Milk in the coffee can… be seen as a drink-based colonization. Hot and powerful coffee becomes softer and more flavorful with milk. The milk controls the growth and domestication of coffee.
He admitted that he had not read all of the blog posts or books mentioned, and that he didn’t understand what they meant. “critical whiteness perspectives” really means – a charge he similarly leveled at his classmates and professor – Haag says he received a B grade on the essay, meaning “very good.” The teacher called it an “exciting topic”This could also be expanded into a “longer essay.”
Haag doesn’t think the teacher got the joke, though. “The joke must have gone over his head. His only criticism was that I did not have the exact source references on my photos,”Haag spoke.
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