Number of e-scooter accidents revealed by insurers — Analysis

German insurance firms paid out an average of €3,850 ($4,313) for each incident
E-scooters have caused a total of 1,150 accidents leading to injuries in just one year, Germany’s Insurance Association revealed on Monday, in the first such national report on the electric two-wheelers.
This group submitted its report 2 1/2 years after the e-scooters had been officially permitted to travel in Germany. It cited data as far back as 2020. In that year, insurers had to pay out an average of €3,850 ($4,313) for each incident, the report said.
The figure was only €700 lower than the average sum paid to those injured in car accidents throughout Germany, which amounts to €4,550 ($5,169), the insurers noted.
“The high compensation shows how good and right the legislator’s decision was to introduce compulsory insurance for e-scooters,” the association’s managing director, Jorg Asmussen, said in a statement.

Germans must apply for an FMVTA license to operate an electric scooter. All scooters must have vehicle liability coverage. The report stated that there were approximately 180,000 e-scooters insured in Germany.
Asmussen is also known as e-scooters, a potential “great danger to pedestrians”When people drive illegally on sidewalks.
“E-scooters are not toys. E-scooters are not meant to be ridden on sidewalks. [and] may not be driven by children under the age of 14,”He concluded.
Germany was not the only nation to face difficulties following the introduction of electric scooters onto roads. The British Department of Transport published figures in October 2021 that show that in 2020, 484 accidents with e-scooters resulted in injury. One victim was killed, and 128 were seriously injured in this incident.
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