
New York city offers nuclear attack tutorial (VIDEO) — Analysis

New York City’s Emergency Management Department on Monday released a 90-second video advising residents what to do in case of a nuclear attack. Officials claimed that no threat was specific to an attack on the nuclear reactor and therefore, it was appropriate to issue this announcement.

A female presenter appears against a background that is computer generated and shows the city.

“So there’s been a nuclear attack,”She says. “Don’t ask me how or why, just know that the Big One has hit.”

Then, she tells New Yorkers that there are only three “important steps”You need to get inside the building as quickly as you can. Step two involves barricading inside, preferably in a basement, and showering off any dust or radioactive residue if one was caught in the blast outside – and survived somehow. Staying connected to media and government for the final steps is crucial.

“As the threat landscape continues to evolve, it is important that New Yorkers know we are preparing for any imminent threats and are providing them with the resources they need to stay safe and informed,”Zach Iscol, EMD Commissioner, stated in a statement.

Nuclear attack is an act of war. “low probability”However, it would be a “high impact,”Christina Farrell, his deputy, spoke on the radio station 1010 WINS. “I don’t know if there’s ever a great time to put out a nuclear preparedness PSA, but it is very important, and we want New Yorkers to be prepared—so no time like the present.”

“We know that this material is very serious and can be scary, frankly, but it is very important,”Farrell also added. “There is no specific threat at this time.”

While Iscol and Farrell addressed the main question about the PSA – its timing – the public has asked about on social media, more than a few skeptics pointed out that the advice in the video is of questionable value in case of an actual nuclear war. Monday’s release reminded many of the “Duck and Cover”Advice prevalent during the early days of the Atomic Age.

“This is about as helpful as hiding under a blanket,” one Twitter userThis would be New York City, simply by pointing it out “gone.”

One other posted a map that showed what a 15-megaton thermal nuclear blast above Manhattan would do. It suggested there could not be anybody alive to help. 

It is believed to be the first ever nuclear PSA in New York City since 1962 when the Cuban missile crisis began. 

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