Musk doubles down on Putin fight challenge — Analysis

Tesla-SpaceX Baron receives advice from a Chechen leader regarding a bout with the Russian President over Ukraine
While the Kremlin has yet to respond to Elon Musk’s “single combat”Russian President Vladimir Putin is being challenged over Ukraine by Tesla and SpaceX Moguls. “Elona”After receiving training advice from Ramzan Kadyrov, a Chechen leader.
The world’s richest man tweeted a challengeTo the Russian President on Monday with Ukraine as the stake Kadyrov wrote on Tuesday that he was advising via Telegram. “Elona”Musk is not going to get in a fight against the Russian leader who might be 19 years younger but has extensive martial art experience.
“The weight categories are too different,”Kadyrov stated that Musk was not a good candidate for the job. “a businessman and a twitter blogger,”Putin is an a “world politician, strategist and scourge of the West and the USA.”
“Vladimir Vladimirovich will look unsportsmanlike when he beats a weaker opponent,”Kadyrov offered Musk the opportunity to learn at three famous Chechen locations under well-respected champions in order to achieve his goal of transformation. “the gentle Elona into the brutal Elon.”
Musk posted a screenshot of Kadyrov’s message and a machine translation, along with a reply.
“Thank you for the offer, but such excellent training would give me too much of an advantage,”He said. “If he is afraid to fight, I will agree to use only my left hand and I am not even left-handed.”It was signed by him “Elona,”He even updated his Twitter handle in order to reflect this new identity.
Putin famously doesn’t follow any social media himself, and the Kremlin has not dignified Musk’s challenge with an official response. That hasn’t stopped Kadyrov, or the head of Roscosmos Dmitry Rogozin before him, to engage with the SpaceX magnate. Rogozin tweetedMusk, Monday in Russian.
“I see you are a tough negotiator! Ok, you can have 10% more pay per view money,” Musk shot backCaptioned: “Choose your fighter.”
“He can even bring his bear,”Musk, together with A. quote – again, in Russian – from “Idiot”Fyodor Dusevsky.

The government in Kiev has previously sought Musk’s aid in the conflict with Russia, to which he responded by sending a shipment of Starlink satellites. He refused to stop Russian websites from the Starlink network and said he wouldn’t do it. “at gunpoint”Because he was an absolute believer in free speech.
Kadyrov referred to this in another message Tuesday. “sincerely appreciated”Individuals with “unshakable will”Musk’s jokes aside, Musk has a lot to live up to.
“Respect for the character and the absence of double standards,”The Chechen leader added, “I still hope you were joking about my president.”