Most Germans shower less now – media — Analysis

These behavior changes are being made amid government repeated calls to citizens to cut down on their shower times to help energy-saving efforts.
The German government’s austerity calls appear to have had an effect, the German tabloid Bild reported on Wednesday, citing the results of a poll conducted by INSA on behalf of the paper. In response to government calls to reduce their shower time, almost three quarters of Germans reduced their use of the bathroom.
INSA, an institute of German research, reported that 62% said they reduced the amount of time they take to shower and now use it less often than before a couple weeks ago. Only 35% (35%) stated no changes in their practices.
Bild reported that people in the lowest income bracket experienced a greater change in behavior than those in higher income groups. Nearly half (45%) of respondents to the poll said that they prepared for a severe winter by buying or planning ahead.

Nearly the same percentage (44%) said they were willing to participate in a demonstration against rising energy prices. But, half said no.
German media and officials have been advocating reducing showering as a means to cut down on energy consumption for some time. Bild ran an April story praising less showering in the face of fears about a Russian embargo on energy imports.
The article followed advice by Germany’s economy minister and vice chancellor, Robert Habeck, who called for people to cut back on their heating, sauna visits, and showers to help the country reduce its dependence on Russian energy.
Habeck said to Der Spiegel magazine that he was forced to tell the truth by his own admission in June. “drastically reduce”In an attempt to manage what he calls an acute energy crisis, he uses the shower time. “I’ve never showered for five minutes in my life,”Habeck stated that at the time.

He had suggested in the past other innovative ways of dealing with energy shortages. He suggested that he work from home in April to reduce driving and take up cycling. “annoy”Russian President Vladimir Putin is to blame for the crisis.
Habeck previously stated that he believed Russia was gradually decreasing gas supply volumes in order to maintain high prices and put pressure on the German people. Moscow denied these allegations repeatedly. Dmitry Peskov, a Kremlin spokesperson, stated that Russia is a trusted energy supplier. “strictly fulfills all its obligations.”
Earlier on Thursday, Russia’s energy giant Gazprom resumed gas flow through the Nord Stream pipeline following a period of scheduled maintenance. This move brought down gas prices by more than 6 percent in Europe.
The EU Commission, meanwhile, has urged the bloc’s members to cut their use of gas by 15% until next March. It would also be possible to immediately ban Russian gas from being used or disrupt deliveries. “catastrophic”Habeck issued a June warning to certain industries.
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