Millions of people sent into Covid lockdown in China — Analysis

Authorities in China’s Xi’an have put the city on lockdown, closing all non-essential shops and barring all restaurants from opening, after reporting some 140 domestically transmitted Covid cases in the last 10 days.
On Wednesday officials from Xi’an presented new measures designed to combat the spread and spreading of Covid-19. Until the coronavirus infection levels fall, all non-essential shops and dine-in restaurants will remain closed temporarily.
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Only one household member can go to the shops each day starting Thursday. All other people must stay at home except for those with essential government jobs, Zhang Fenghu has said.
City authorities also called on people not to leave Xi’an unless they had taken a Covid-19 test and received a negative result. CCTV reported that around 7,000 citizens had already been convinced not to abandon the city.
The local government has banned large-scale meetings, gardening parties, and other activities in order to reduce the spread and impact of Covid. Employers are encouraged to request flexible working arrangements from their employers.
According to officials, temperature scanning and covid test measures will be increased.
From December 12th, the city in northwestern Minnesota, which is home to more than 13 million residents, reported 140 local transmitted infections. This cluster is believed to be caused by Covid-19 Delta.
Beijing expressed its willingness to eradicate new Covid clusters immediately they are discovered. Recently, concerns have also been expressed about how effective Chinese vaccines for the new variant of Covid-19 (the highly contagious Omicron virus) compare to older versions.