Man investigated for having 10 Covid-19 jabs in one day — Analysis

After he claimed to have received up to 10 Covid-19 shots in one day and impersonated other people who were not willing to pay for vaccines, a New Zealander was placed under investigation.
This bizarre tale about vaccination was reported for the first time by Stuff News on Friday.
According to unidentified sources, the man visited multiple vaccine centers in one day. He received as many as 10 shots. He was allegedly paid by people who wanted to have a Covid-19 vaccination on their record – but were reluctant to get jabbed. The bold scheme was made possible by the fact that people in New Zealand do not need to show identification for the vaccination.
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The incident was acknowledged by the country’s Ministry of Health, with Astrid Koornneef, the Covid-19 vaccine and immunization program group manager, confirming authorities were “aware of the issue.”However, the official did not disclose where exactly this alleged fraud took place.
“We are taking this matter very seriously. We are very concerned about this situation and are working with the appropriate agencies,”Koorneef shared Stuff. “If you know of someone who has had more vaccine doses than recommended they should seek clinical advice as soon as practicable.”
Experts in vaccines and immunologists quickly condemned the scammer, warning that they could lead to serious health problems for those involved. Helen Petousis Harris (associate professor at University of Auckland) condemned this behavior. “unbelievably selfish.”
“We know that people have in error been given the whole five doses in a vial instead of it being diluted, we know that has happened overseas, and we know with other vaccines errors have occurred and there has been no long-term problems,”According to her, the NZ Herald was informed.
It was described as follows: “silly and dangerous,”Graham Le Gros from Malaghan Institute, director. He was not likely to survive from 10 shots in just one day. However, he could have certainly lived with the experience. “really sore arm”The immunologist stated that there were many jabs. The immunologist added that going over the suggested dosage could cause a vaccine to not work well, instead of provoking a stronger immune response.