Lockdown activities led to spike in hospitalizations — Analysis

Records from hospitals show that thousands of Brits required treatment while in lockdown because they had taken up new hobbies.
According to NHS Digital, data shows that there was an increase of hospitalizations in England for injuries from individuals who take up new hobbies.
As the popularity of DIY and gardening grew, so did the need for hospital treatment.
NHS Digital’s 2020-21 data found more than 5,600 people needed treatment after an incident with a powered hand tool. More than 2,700 people were admitted to hospital following an accident with any other tool, like hammers and saws. Over 5,300 were involved in playground accidents, and 962 fell from trees.
The pandemic caused a boom in pet ownership in the UK, as over 3,000,000 households bought a pet. People still needed to be treated. 7,386 people were hospitalized in England for being bitten, bitten, or attacked by dogs. 60 people were treated with injuries from venomous Spiders. 47 people were bitten and bitten by rats.

2243 individuals were left with injuries from cooking due to hot drinks, foods, oils, fats and oil. Even sunbathing on the warm days of the first lockdown resulted in some complications, with 153 patients being admitted to hospital for sunburn.
NHS Digital’s data only includes individuals admitted to hospitals. However, the NHS Digital also covers injuries sustained in local doctor’s surgeries and emergency departments.
Although thousands were injured by lockdowns in England, injuries to those who sustained them were much lower than they were in years past because more people stayed at their homes.
“In among the stranger entries in the database are some worrying trends that serve to highlight the accident challenges that we face. Accidents are preventable,”The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents stated.
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