‘Let’s go Brandon, I agree’ (VIDEO) — Analysis
A Christmas Eve call with children went off script for US President Joe Biden on Friday morning when one of the parents dropped the ‘Let’s go Brandon’ chant used to mock the president.
Biden was sending Christmas wishes to children during an annual telephone call. He was also following the North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD), Santa tracker with his wife Jill. The call was canceled when Jared from Oregon, who is a dad, called Biden to wish him a happy Christmas. “wonderful Christmas”Additions “Let’s go Brandon.”
The euphemism took off in October when a reporter misheard the chant ‘F**k Joe Biden’ for ‘Let’s go Brandon’While interviewing Brandon Brown, a NASCAR driver. The phrase immediately became popular among Biden’s critics, who used it to express their opposition to the president and mock him. The phrase has been used repeatedly as a slogan on protest signs and in some Republican congressional speeches.
The incident was captured on video and has been shared online. Biden replied by saying that he did not understand the intent of the phrase. “Let’s go Brandon, I agree,”It was flawless. After asking the caller about Oregon, the president cut off his line.
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