‘Let’s go, Brandon!’ from anti-abortion cardinals? Live broadcast of Biden’s meeting with Pope in Vatican mysteriously cut short

The Vatican abruptly canceled the broadcast of a meeting between US President Joe Biden and Pope Francis today, and Biden’s critics are speculating that the Catholic elite may be punishing him for his pro-abortion stance.
The live feed of Biden’s visit to the Vatican on Thursday was cut earlier than expected, right after his arrival at the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace. It was inside that the Catholic Church’s head and one of its most influential secular congregants were to meet, but there wasn’t the coverage expected. Edited footage of the encounter would instead be provided to accredited media outlets, the Vatican’s press service promised.
Biden, the second Catholic President of the United States after John F. Kennedy is Biden. Although he has already met Pope Francis three times in the past and this will be his first encounter with him while residing in the Oval Office,
The more conservative elements of the Church have cast doubt on the extent of the president’s religiosity, arguing that Biden’s support for abortion rights should make him ineligible to receive Holy Communion. He has always maintained his Catholic conviction that ending a pregnancy is murder. He also called for “compassion”Instead of “condemnation”These are those who disagree with that position.
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Some commenters on Twitter speculated that Biden’s no-broadcast treatment, which differed from the way other international dignitaries have been welcomed by the Vatican, may have been intended as a subtle signal of disapproval from the more critical cardinals. Cameras at the palace are usually turned off only when Pope Francis and his visitor leave the public space for a private conversation in the pontiff’s personal library.
OMG! LOL! The Pope is aware that we Catholics don’t like and approve of Biden. It is time for the Cardinals to get rid of that Pope!
— Foxy’s Crime Scenes (@thewaryfox) October 28, 2021
I don’t understand why the Pope would wish to have a meeting with someone who claims to be Catholic, but has no issue with abortion.
— irishterf77 (@irishterf77) October 28, 2021
It was getting louder than the Let’s Go Brandon chants of the bishops.
— The Wolf of Stall Street (@bestar73) October 28, 2021
Other sources suggested that the US discreetly requested the modification in protocol to shield the gaffe-prone President from embarrassment.
They were not interested in broadcasting a joke.
— F Fleming ???????????????????????????? MAGA (@FosterFleming1) October 28, 2021
Anti-Biden commentators cheered what they saw as a slight directed at the leader of the Democratic Party.
Since the Vatican recently restricted media access due to Covid-19 concerns in recent months, live broadcasts from public meetings have been an indispensable tool for journalists covering all events in the Catholic seat. Some outlets expressed concern about new rules that they claimed curtailed freedom and went too far.
Asked about the sudden cancelation of the live broadcast, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki merely noted that Biden was a guest of the Vatican and was therefore observing his host’s rules.
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