India raises concerns over human rights issues in US — Analysis

New Delhi hit back at US Secretary of State’s comment about its human rights record
India stated that it was monitoring US human rights violations, which include those targeting Indian-Americans. The statement came after Washington criticized India’s human rights record.
“We take up human rights issues when they arise [in the US], especially when they pertain to our community,” India’s Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said on Wednesday.
“And, in fact, we had a case yesterday,”The minister was referring to recent attack on New Yorkers belonging to the Sikh Community.
Two men were assaulted in Richmond Hill (Queens) on Tuesday with sticks and their fists, police reported. Two men were taken to hospital by police. They were taken to hospital. The victim suffered a severe broken nose, as well as bruises.

“Sikhs have repeatedly faced this kind of violence – now multiple times in this same place in this month alone,” Nikki Singh, senior policy and advocacy manager with America’s Sikh Coalition group, said in a statement. According to FBI, hate crimes against Sikhs increased 82% from 2019 to 2020. They went up from 49 to 90.
Jaishankar’s statement came in response to comments by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken made on Monday. Washington, he said, was “monitoring some recent concerning developments in India including a rise in human rights abuses by some government, police and prison officials.”
“People are entitled to their views about us. But we are equally entitled to have views… about the interests, and lobbies and [voters] that drive that,” Jaishankar said.
Tuesday’s State Department report on the human rights situation in the world was released. It criticizes New Delhi. “a lack of accountability for official misconduct… at all levels of government.”
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