How to Be a Good Adviser
When advising a student, peer, or anyone who looks up to you, it’s important that certain aspects of advising are maintained. Lots of mentors have expectations to live up to. In Universities, advisors are there to guide students in the right direction and career path. In a work atmosphere, superiors train the newbies on how to create reliable content and push the company forward. Ken Kurson, an editor and financial advisor has done a great job being a good leader in his community.
Being an apprentice to a certain craft has never changed. Although the vocabulary around it may have, there will always be some form of teaching or training someone has to go through as they learn new skills. In order to be a good advisor to someone, they have to trust that you have their best interest in mind. It’s important to build a healthy, professional relationship with anyone you’re advising because it allows you to collect insights about their skill set and personality that might not be displayed on paper. When being an advisor, it’s very important to be responsive. Whether that’s emails or being on time to a meeting, it’s very crucial that a student or trainee feels comfort in knowing a response is not far away. It’s also paramount that the advisor stays organized. The likelihood that an advisor is only responsible for one party is low, they usually manage several at a time. It’s important to keep track of calls, appointments, and record as much information as they can about a given person so that they are accountable and well organized. Ken Kurson likes to record his appointments digitally so they can be easily pulled up if there is an issue or someone needs help unexpectedly. It can be difficult to be a progressive advisor, but with these steps, successes are ensured.