How the Real Estate Sales on Selling Sunset Actually Work

It is endlessly appealing to watch the world go by. real estate showsThese multi-million-dollar mansions can be found all over the country. The imported marble countertops, the elevators, the infinity pools with a view of the city—it’s so unattainable for the average person that watching it feels more like a fantasy than reality show. The appeal lies in this. The Sunset SellingThe Netflix DocuSoap follows the exploits of a few luxury real estate agents at the Oppenheim Group, who are selling the most exclusive homes in Los Angeles. Interpersonal drama is also a part of the show. The fourth season premiered on November 24, The Sunset SellingWe will be welcomed back to the Oppenheim Group’s office with its beautiful, tall real estate agents who sell large, luxurious homes.
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The show’s heavy focus on the drama between the realtors always prompts questions from viewers on how real The Sunset SellingIt is actually: Are these women licensed real estate agents? Is that the office they work in? Who is buying these homes?
Whether you’re Team Chrishell, Team Christine, or just vibing with Romain, we have some answers for you about how the glitzy world of reality TV real estate actually works.

Each house that is sold at the Oppenheim Group sale actually goes to the Oppenheim Group
Jason Oppenheim is the founder and president of Oppenheim Group. Jason says that every property and house sold will be on his list. The Sunset SellingThe Oppenheim Group has sold the Oppenheim Group’s real estate. Viewers have questioned whether it’s possible for these sales to be real when the open house showings often feel staged for the drama.
“The Oppenheim Group has sold every house that is featured as a sale on the show,” Oppenheim tells TIME. “Sometimes agents work together on the sales.”
While the Oppenheim Group boasts more than 30 agents, only a small number of them are listed on their website. The Sunset Selling, so it’s possible that when one agent is showing a listing on TV, they are sharing that listing with another agent who works off-screen.
Agent Mary Fitzgerald holds her wedding at one her listings in the final episode of season one. What multi-million-dollar house? wouldn’t It would be a great venue for a wedding. Being the hard worker that she is, Mary shows the house to a client on her wedding day, while she’s in the middle of getting her hair done. The client, who’s not shown onscreen, is a “big music producer,” Mary says. She sells the venue and is happy to share that it was her wedding venue.
While it’s unclear whether or not parts of that scene were exaggerated for the camera, Mary really did sell the house, a $9.2 million mansion in Los Angeles, to its Actual ownerBenny Blanco is the music producer. Sean Rad, one cofounder of Tinder was the client who sold the house. The client’s information wasn’t revealed on the show. However, since celebrity home-buying news dominates the Hollywood gossip universe, it is not difficult to locate the facts of such a sale.
The agents are all on The Sunset SellingReal estate professionals are licensed

The main cast of characters The Sunset Selling are in fact registered realtors, per California’s Department of Real Estate, which publicly lists registered real estate agents in the state. It’s kind of like when you see a doctor on one of those shows about botched plastic surgery. It might not be your taste, but what they’re doing would be illegal without a license.
The cast of the show have had to face questions regarding their authenticity several times including following Chrissy Teigen’s death. tweeted her doubtsAbout whether the cast members really are agents. “Will I say this: I’m a big fan of LA realty and I’ve never met any of them lol [neither] have our agents, who I have obsessively asked,” wrote Teigen.
It is that The Sunset SellingAdam DiVello created this website, as well as docusoap’s classics. Laguna Beach The Hills,This adds to the speculation fire. The famous final shot of The Hills series finale, star Brody Jenner is seen waving goodbye on a street in front of the Hollywood sign, before the shot pulls out to reveal he is merely standing on a film set with a large camera crew—hinting at the artificiality of the show.
After Teigen’s tweets, several cast members chimed in to defend themselves and their colleagues. “Any insinuation that the agents on our show are not experienced, successful, or licensed, evidences a complete disregard for the facts,” Oppenheim said in A statement People In 2020. “Even a superficial investigation would identify previous team photos, hundreds of millions in transacted sales, and more than 50 years of combined licensed real estate experience from these agents.”
The Sunset Selling Mary Fitzgerald has been lauded as being the most experienced of the group. However, the records prove that Mary did actually get her license in 2008. Davina Potratz is the repeat criminal who was licensed in 2008, but she became a real estate agent in 2006.
Season 4 The Sunset SellingVanessa Villela is a cast member who also works as a real estate agent. She tells her colleagues she started working in realty only a year ago and that her license was granted in 2020. She was an actress in Mexican soap operas before becoming a realtor. Another new cast member, Emma Hernan, joins the agency to replace Christine Quinn while she’s on maternity leave, and the Oppenheim brothers describe her as someone who’s worked for them on and off, but never full time. Emma received her realty license in 2019. Her Instagram bio describes Emma as CEO of Vegan Empanadas, an Oppenheim Group agent and angel investor.
Who are the Oppenheim Brothers, you ask?
Jason Oppenheim currently runs the Oppenheim organization. He is the twin brother of Brett Oppenheim, and has been on every season. The Sunset SellingThe brokerage was owned by a certain entrepreneur, who decided to create his own realty company. Oppenheim’s family has sold real estate in Los Angeles since the beginning of time. According to the Oppenheim Group website, this brokerage is called “Founded in Hollywood by Jacob Stern in 1889 as The Stern Realty Co.,” but in fact it’s not a continuous real estate company.
According to Jason Oppenheim, his great-great-grandfather on his mother’s side started Stern Realty Company in Los Angeles in the 1880s. “The Oppenheim Group was then my dad‘s real estate brokerage in the ’80s and then I started it again in 2013,” he says.
The Oppenheim Group office on Sunset Boulevard that’s featured in The Sunset Selling 2014 was the year that it opened. It was inaugurated in 2014. Mary Fitzgerald shared her story CosmopolitanThere are so many photographers who show up to work that there is no time for them all. “It’s almost like an assembly line.”

Real home buyers sometimes don’t want to be featured on the show
The Sunset Selling is a reality show, or more accurately as described by Netflix, a “docusoap,” which means that of course there are aspects of it that are manufactured. The agents show their houses in a staged manner. There is no real reason to have two Realtors fight over a house. However, real estate is a business and has public records. The Sunset Selling If you have a viewing at a property, the house will be listed on the Oppenheim Group site. It also has past listings and current listings.
Buzzfeed News, “Some clients don’t want to be on television, so the crew have to work around unwilling participants.” Occasionally in the show, the realtors will mention that the house is for a celebrity client, but that they can’t say who because they signed an NDA. 2020 Piece in CosmopolitanNotes that during an initial pre-production meeting, The Sunset SellingBefore they began filming, Orlando Bloom entered the Oppenheim Group to collect his keys. (It is possible that they gave him one set for Katy Perry, and another set for himself).
The first season of The Sunset SellingThe Oppenheim group builds a $40-million house, which is shown to viewers. Agents are then instructed to search for a buyer. In season two, the house is finally complete, and in season three, Jason revealed that he’d sold it for $35.5 million. While he didn’t reveal the buyer on the show, it was reported that the palatial mansion Tom and Lisa Bilyeu bought itQuest Nutrition co-founders,
How The Sunset Selling is—and is not—like other real estate shows

Although reality TV shows on interior design and real estate have been around for years, recent growth has seen a new boom. HGTV now has more programs about flipping homes for couples than ever before, as well as its classic standbys such as House Hunters.You might like The Sunset SellingThe shows include a mixture of actual sales and projects in real estate, as well as events staged or recreated specifically for television.
House HuntersThe process involves a couple or individual choosing from three different options for a home they wish to purchase. True homeowner will have to make a decision. House HuntersFans know that this show is actually a farce. There have been many buyers that appeared on House Hunters House Hunters International Have been revealed that they couldn’t even be cast on the show until they’d already closed on a house.
Before shooting The Sunset Selling, Jason Oppenheim had previously appeared in an episode of Bravo’s Million Dollar ListingAnother show that focuses on Los Angeles real estate agents selling properties worth multi-millions of dollars, is titled. Oppenheim represented Kris Humphries, a basketball player.
Adam DiVello, Creator Submitted Variety It took some convincing for Oppenheim agreeing to do this. The Sunset SellingHe was concerned that the drama would distract from real estate and create a false sense of security.
“He didn’t want to be on one of those salacious type of Bravo shows,” said DiVello. “So he took the meeting with me and I convinced them that we wanted to really do something different and didn’t want it to be just nothing but catty and fighting.” (Some critics would argue that catty fighting is, ultimately, as big a draw as the real estate, or perhaps bigger.)
The Sunset SellingThis is probably not much different than Million Dollar Listing, but there is, as DiVello describes it, a “cinematic” quality to his shows. Bravo’s drama program is called “The Drama Show”. Number one priority. On The Sunset Selling, beautiful footage—of houses, people, backyard pools—is the most important thing.