
How I Stay Positive During Times of Crisis

Father George Rutler: An Encouraging View

Father Rutler has encouraging views to offer to others about the ways he stays positive during times of crisis. His wise words might be beneficial to others as we learn how to cope and navigate our way through the turbulent and uncertain times that have snuck up and weaved their way into society.

Broad Range of Experiences: Fostering a Positive Attitude

The pastor of St. Michael the Archangel has a broad range of experiences to draw from that help him to maintain a positive outlook during a crisis. He is 69 years young and he has served in many different parishes and has been involved in different spiritual retreats. This type of ongoing involvement, with others who strive to connect with our creator, only proves to foster meaningful connections and instill moments of deep meaning within his spirit. These meaningful encounters and experiences reinforce the fact that God is still in charge and will never abandon any of us.

Striving to Make an Impression on Jesus

George Rutler does not seek to obtain the approval of others. His goal is to impress Jesus because he is the one who will lead us to our eternal home. Pleasing him takes priority over following others and gaining their approval. A clear focus on the eternal outcome plays a large role in maintaining a positive attitude regardless of what happens to be going on around him.

Acknowledging the Realities of the World

There are terrible occurrences going on in this world. This cannot be denied. The realities that we face daily can and should be acknowledged because the truth tends to be freeing and makes room for joy to emerge. He keeps a positive attitude by acknowledging reality and remaining true to himself.

Keeping Faith Alive in Every Crisis

He knows when people become afraid they tend to turn to God. This COVID-19 crisis has instilled this piece of knowledge even deeper into him. The burdens, of fear, has greatly increased due to the mandates to close the places of worship during this pandemic. Faith must be kept alive as anxiety levels rise.

Luckily, the evils of this world have been balanced out by the rise in spiritual solace. It must be noted that many people have used this isolation era to seek out God to find their needed comfort rather than indulge in unhealthy behaviors. George Rutler has kept faith alive during times of crisis by keeping the church doors of St. Michael the Archangel open for any person who may be wandering through the area. They are welcome to sit in the back, social distance and keep safe as they rejuvenate their faith and allow God to calm their fears.


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