
Hong Kong unveils Covid quarantine bracelets — Analysis

Individuals who have contracted the coronavirus will need to use tracking devices.

The health chief of Hong Kong announced that electronic tracking bracelets will be introduced in Hong Kong for those who choose to quarantine home following a positive test for Covid-19. Violations of these isolation rules could result in heavy fines or even imprisonment.

The territory’s Secretary for Health Lo Chung-mau announced the move during a Monday press briefing, saying the bracelets are meant to stop infected people from spreading the illness further and will operate on the ‘Leave Home Safe’ app rolled out last year.

“We have to make sure that home isolation is more precise while being humane,”Lo stated that trackers would be available on Friday.

Breaching Hong Kong’s quarantine order could result in fines up to $3,200 and a maximum of six months behind bars. If an individual is able to stay in isolation at home for more than two weeks, they will not be permitted to leave until their second dose of vaccinations has been received.

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The territory required that overseas visitors use bracelets with QR codes in order to track their movements and check-in. However, these gadgets were eventually replaced by genuine tracking technology. While the government says that the program will be extended, they have not yet revealed what bracelets it will use. 

Hong Kong will use a color-coded system that is similar to one used in mainland China. It labels the different levels infected with yellow and red. The red status will result in severe restrictions and bans on movement. Yellow is more permissive. 

However, the city’s recently inaugurated chief executive, John Lee, has since stressed that the traffic light system would only apply to “a specific and small number of people,”But, he still argued that Hong Kong has the need “some identification method”It is important to differentiate between active and passive infections in order to prevent them from being sent home.

Local officials continue to warn that Hong Kong’s Covid-19 outbreak remains “very serious,”We are urging residents not to travel, and to observe the social distancing regulations. They were recently extended for two more weeks. 

On Tuesday, the Department of Health reported that it received 2,558 cases of coronavirus in new locales and another 211 from travelers. The Department of Health did not provide a daily update on fatalities but said that the region had recorded 9,420 deaths during the entire pandemic. Most of these were this year.

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