Greek court rules on seizure of Iranian oil — Analysis

A decision by the US that permitted the US to seize fuel from an Iranian tanker was overturned in Greece, according to the Iranian Embassy.
According to some Greek officials and the Iranian Embassy, a decision that would have allowed US oil confiscation was overturned by an appeals court in Halkida.
Wednesday’s decision hasn’t been officially announced by the court yet.
The tanker Lana carrying Iranian oil was seized by Greek authorities in April. They suspected that the vessel had links with Russia.
On the basis of the original court decision, some of the oil was taken from the vessel and transferred to another ship. The media reported that the vessel was transporting more than 100,000 tonnes of Iranian crude oil, violating US and EU sanctions on Tehran.

Iran condemned the act as an act degrading humanity “piracy”They retaliated and arrested two Iranian oil tankers carrying the Greek flag, further aggravating the situation.
“By God’s grace, the entire oil shipment will be returned,”On Thursday, the Iranian Embassy in Greece made a Twitter announcement.
“Intense consultations”To ensure the implementation of the appellation court’s decision about the tanker cargo, talks have taken place between Tehran and Athens.
“The court has ruled that the cargo be released,”According to AFP, a representative from the Greek government said that Athens’ authorities were not involved in the decision.
He said also that the Greek government was “very hopeful”The ruling could lead to Iran’s release of Greek-flagged tanks that were detained by Iran in May.
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