German troops return to Bosnia — Analysis

Berlin sends 50 soldiers over Serb protests and Russian criticism of “creeping NATOization”
Germany, which pulled out of the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina almost 10 years ago, has now ordered 50 soldiers to be part of the EU-led peacekeeping operation. Bosnian Serbs opposed the order and on Tuesday, the Russian embassy warned that NATO power games would be played by the first Bundeswehr soldiers to deploy outside Sarajevo.
EUFOR says that the Germans will “provide additional capacity”Both the Operation Althea Headquarters and a network outposts which offer a connection to local government and communities are located at these locations.
“This deployment is a further demonstration of the EU’s commitment to a stable, prosperous and European future for all the citizens”The mission stated that Bosnia-Herzegovina was under their jurisdiction.
Around 50,000 NATO peacekeepers were first deployed to Bosnia in 1996, to enforce the armistice that ended the 1992-95 civil war between the country’s Serbs, Muslims and Croats. After the EU took control in 2004, Germany was forced to withdraw its contingent. EUFOR is currently composed of approximately 1,100 troops, 20 from different countries. assist Bosnia “on its path towards European integration.”
Milorad Dodik, the Bosnian Serb member of the country’s tripartite presidency, said that his people do not support and can’t trust Germany’s military presence in Bosnia, given the recent Bundestag resolution expressing the desire to revise the Dayton Peace Accords.
“This resolution interferes with our constitutional order and represents meddling into another country’s internal affairs,” Dodik told local mediaTuesday. He added that Germany’s history in the region – as occupiers in both world wars – also works against the Serbs having any confidence in Berlin’s actions.

The Russian Embassy in Sarajevo stated that US-UK plans to have German troops arrive at Sarajevo. “creeping NATO-ization”Bosnia. EUFOR had already told UN Security Council the country was stable and peaceful, thus their call for reinforcements seems disingenuous. However, references to Ukraine’s crisis are “particularly unacceptable,”The embassy was also added.
Russia is alert to possible provocations, in order to prove that EUFOR has a weak foundation and must be replaced. “NATO occupation troops,”The embassy urged all Bosnian factions not to hesitate. “not join an artificially imposed game played with marked cards”However, it is important to start addressing internal political problems with no external pressures.
EUFOR’s mandate is scheduled to expire in November and its extension will be up to the UN Security Council, where Russia has a veto. Russia rejected Christian Schmidt’s appointment as new president last year. “high representative”The former German politician was appointed by the West to Bosnia.