German mother sentenced to life for killing FIVE of her children in horror case — RT World News

A court in Germany has sentenced a 28 year-old woman to life in prison after she murdered five of six of her children as vengeance against her husband.
Jochen Koetter was the judge. “tragedy,” and the court in the western town of Solingen concluded that the woman’s guilt was so “grave,”That would be. “inappropriate”To grant her parole as usual after she has served 15 years.
The woman, identified only in German media as Christiane K. was found guilty for murdering five children between the ages of one and eight as part of an elaborate revenge plot against her husband. Police found their bodies in the apartment of her ex-husband in the early hours of September 2020. Germany’s shockwaves were triggered by this shocking discovery.
The mother was accused of seducing her children using a strong drug, then placing them one at a time in the bathtub and finally putting them into their beds.
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On the date in question, her 11-year-old son was there. His mother convinced him to run in front the train, which he later admitted to to police. She tried to kill herself in the same way after the murders but was saved.
According to court records, the motive for the killings was a “mixture of disappointment, anger, and desperation.” The trial heard that Christiane K’s “life plan”The benefits of owning a “large family” had been shattered when her husband – the father of the four youngest children – left her for another woman, and that she had decided to act after seeing a photo of him with his new partner. She sent her husband text messages, telling him that she would not see her offspring ever again, before killing them.
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Christiane K. denied the allegations, claiming that Christiane K. was a foreigner who broke into her home, arrested her and forced her to communicate with her ex-husband. She also claimed she had killed her children. But, her account of events was found to be absurd by the court.
According to a court psychiatric assessment, the defendant was not considered mentally ill and fully conscious of what she did. “narcissistic personality structure.”The court ruled that she lived in an imagined world which had been destroyed by the destruction of her real one. “façade” fell. She had her own children after that. “lost their function” in her eyes.
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