German media suggests showering less — Analysis

In light of the Russian energy embargo, a tabloid published an article extolling less showering.
“Skip a shower, improve your skin microbiome,” – that is the takeaway of the latest article published by Germany’s Bild newspaper on Saturday. This piece, which promotes the health benefits of less water showering, comes as the nation is discussing the possibility of an entire embargo of all Russian energy imports.
Titled ‘It’s enough to wash THESE four body parts – Why the skin cleans itself if you let it,’ the article starts off by citing the recent advice by Germany’s economy minister, Robert Habeck, who called on his fellow countrymen and women to cut back on their heating, sauna visits, and showers to help the country reduce its dependence on Russian energy. These hygiene-related sacrifices can not only make life harder for the Kremlin, but also improve people’s skin, Bild claims.
The journalists sought Yael Adler, a dermatologist to support the argument for less showering.
According to the article, certain bacteria strains can live on skin. These microorganisms, although beneficial in some cases, tend to be small. If a person gave those microorganisms to their skin, they would be beneficial. “chance to propagate”Bild states that by skipping their daily showers, good bacteria will protect their host’s skin from eczema. “This way, it [skin] cleans itself.”

A dermatologist agreed. “after three weeks the odors disappear and the skin begins a kind of a self-cleaning process.”Dr. Adler indicated that “these good bacteria only have a chance if the skin has at least three weeks’ rest”Showering is a good idea.
In an apparent attempt to soften the harsh recommendation, the dermatologist advised that the skin’s delicate microbiome could be maintained by taking a few showers without shampoo or soap. This is even true after an intense workout.
“Less is more,”Adler added that “to constantly shower or bathe the skin is anything but health-promoting.”
Germans are advised to not soak their entire bodies in water. The article suggests that they focus instead on the four most sensitive areas, such as the feet, bottom, armpits and feet. Another exception is the hands, according to the dermatologist. However, it’s important to thoroughly wash your hands after using the restroom or when you eat.
Adler claimed that changing your washing habits could make it possible to treat up to 20% all skin conditions caused due by too much soap and showering.

The article comes hard on the heels of a statement by Klaus Mueller, the head of Germany’s Federal Network Agency overseeing electricity, gas, telecommunications, post, and railway markets. He encouraged Germans to think for themselves in a television interview. “whether you really need to take a hot shower seven days a week – with gas heating.”Mueller stated that Russia’s energy imports would be banned completely by Germany, so the remaining gas reserves could last only until fall or summer.
In March, Berlin launched an emergency plan to better manage gas supplies, which could, among other things, see energy rationing in Europe’s industrial powerhouse.
Ukraine has been asking Germany to cease buying Russian gas. Berlin, however, has not yet done this. Business and officials warned that an embargo on Germany would cause a severe economic impact. Berlin claims it will gradually wean itself from Russian energy but this could take many years.