
Fresh cases of rare monkeypox located

Cases of the ‘very unusual’ disease have been confirmed in Italy and Sweden

This Thursday, monkeypox was confirmed in the United States and European countries such as Spain, Portugal and Italy. It is a rare African disease.

Spallanzani hospital, Rome reported that they have diagnosed monkeypox in one individual following his return to Rome from Canary Islands. Reports by Reuters, La Repubblica and other Italian newspapers suggest that two additional cases may be present, though they have not been confirmed.

A press release by the Swedish Public Health Agency stated that a case was confirmed of monkeypox within Sweden.

“The person in Sweden who has been confirmed to be infected with the virus is not seriously ill, but has received care,” Swedish health official Klara Sondén said in the statement. “We do not yet know where the person became infected,”She said that further investigation was ongoing to establish the extent of the damage. “very unusual” disease.

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FILE PHOTO: A healthcare worker conducts tests at a microbiology lab in Madrid, Spain, April 14, 2020 on April 14, 2020 © AFP / Oscar Del Pozo
Europe has a rare disease

Swedish health officials reported the incident to the World Health Organization and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Some symptoms of the disease are: fever, headaches muscle aches backaches swelling lymph nodes, chills, exhaustion, headaches, muscle aches and muscle aches. The monkeypox virus can lead to skin infections. “often reported as localized to the genitals, groin and the skin around the anal opening,”On Wednesday, the Swedish Public Health Agency stated.

ECDC keeps the following observations. “unusually high frequency of human-to-human transmission”It was observed in recent confirmed cases and suspect cases in Spain, Portugal and the UK. It states “the likelihood of further spread of the virus through close contact, for example during sexual activities, is considered to be high,”And that “intimate contact during sex with infectious skin lesions seems the likely mode of transmission.”In the absence of contact, transmission is low.



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