France extends Covid vaccination to children aged 5-11 — Analysis
Olivier Veran is the French Health Minister. He announced today that Covid has opened for children aged 5-11. It follows an announcement last week about a plan to help prevent new variants.
The country’s National Authority for Health (HAS) backed opening up the country’s Covid vaccination scheme to young children on Monday, stating that it should be done “as soon as the pediatric formulation” of Pfizer’s Covid vaccine is ready.
France already administered the Covid vaccine in France to young children. “at risk”HAS extended vaccine coverage to all children, despite the risk of severe illness.
HAS acknowledged that it was necessary to give the vaccine to children as young as possible to lessen the risk posed by Omicron variant. HAS was worried about the potential for infection from this strain. “an increase in the number of cases of severe forms of the disease in children.”
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“Even if the impact of vaccinating children on the current wave would only be very limited, it could potentially reduce the impact of subsequent waves by reducing the circulation of the virus in the general population,”HAS declared.
HAS stated that Covid vaccines should be available for children aged between 5-11 years old. “without obligation and without this being a condition for obtaining a health pass.”
France introduced a health pass back in July, which now requires all over-12s to show they’ve been fully vaccinated, recently recovered from the virus or tested negative in the past 48 hours before entering hospitality businesses, cultural and leisure venues or traveling on public transport.
Since its introduction, France has given out 113,712,660 Covid vaccine doses. Although the vaccination is optional for the majority of citizens, the government required that all healthcare professionals be vaccinated earlier in the year.