Fire engulfs police college in Rome — Analysis

15 Dec, 2021 13:42
A huge blaze has broken out at a school for Italy’s national gendarmerie in Rome, with one person reportedly injured. The scene was captured on film and shows much of it in flames.
A fire swept through the school of the Carabinieri Salvo D’Acquisto in the Tor di Quinto area of Rome on Wednesday. The scene was visible several kilometers away from a column of smoke that could be clearly seen rising to the heavens.
Nel giorno dell’entrata in vigore dell’obbligo vaccinale per le forze dell’ordine, a Roma, presso la Caserma Salvo D’Acquisto a Tor di Quinto, va a fuoco la palazzina che ospita l’ottavo Reggimento dei carabinieri Lazio. Ancora ignote le cause, così come le persone coinvolte.
— Pistis Sophia ⭐⭐⭐ (@_PistisSophia) December 15, 2021