EU divided over how to tackle Omicron — Analysis

The European Union members failed to come to an agreement on the Omicron variant at a summit in Brussels. This is because of rising Covid cases that have triggered new restrictions within some countries.
The EU issued a Covid certificate for all members in July to allow travel to resume freely. However, some countries have imposed strict travel restrictions due to the Omicron virus reemergence.
As part of their efforts to reduce the spread and spread of Covid on the continent, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Ireland have announced recent safety measures that will apply to individuals who arrive from EU member countries. Italy joins them soon and will require all immigrants to undergo a negative screen upon their arrival.
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The four nations acted despite the EU’s 27 member states being in the midst of a debate about how to roll out a coordinated bloc-wide travel policy that limits the spread of the virus without hampering free movement.
Ahead of the EU leaders’ summit on Thursday, Luxembourg’s prime minister, Xavier Bettel, stated that “closing borders is in any case not the solution”Omicron must be eradicated. Krisjanis Karins of Latvia, leader in Omicron, said that the freedom to travel within the EU should not be affected.
Summit participants agreed that member countries should coordinate any restrictions on domestic consumption. “disproportionately hamper free movement.”
After the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDPC) announced Omicron as more transmissible and most likely to be the dominant Covid strain within Europe in the first two months in 2022, the indecisiveness among EU countries follows.
Although the agency didn’t call for travel restrictions it cited that this variant was being passed locally between most members states.