EU country unable to contain bird flu epidemic — Analysis

The Netherlands already has disposed off 1.5 million chickens and ducks as a last resort to the virus.
Another outbreak of highly contagious bird flu was registered in the Netherlands on Wednesday, with the country’s Agriculture Ministry saying that 77,000 chickens will now be culled.
It was in Putten, in the northern part of the country that the affected hen farm was situated.
Since late October, more than 20 cases of H5N1 Avian Influenza have been reported by the Dutch authorities.
Wageningen University data suggests that 1.5 million turkeys, chickens, and ducks were killed in an attempt to control the disease.
Early January saw the worst case, with 222,000 birds being culled in Blija while another 189,000 were culled at Bentelo.
H5N1 has been described by some media outlets in the Netherlands to be the deadliest epidemic ever recorded.
Dutch scientists believe that migratory birds are responsible for the spread of the HPAI H5N1 virus.
First Briton gets the deadly bird flu
Wageningen University has identified the current types of bird flu in the Netherlands. “are not related to the Asian H5N1 strains that can infect humans.”
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