Dragonfly, China’s Search Engine is terminated officially by Google

As we know that Google was expanding to China with its new project called Dragonfly, a China’s Search Engine, but due to some personal situations, the project has been terminated. All the employees that were working on that project are now assigned to some other projects.
Google has exercised the development project of a search engine for China. Due to the surge in privacy, human rights, and censorship disquiets the project is no more running.
Google’s Vice President of Global Government Affairs and Public Policy has stated that “We have terminated Project Dragonfly” which was made in response to the questions from Republican Senator Josh Hawley.
Also, the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai has stated that “Right now there are no plans for us to launch a search product in China” which has made sense more evident that they will not be working on China’s search engine project, Dragonfly. It was a quick status reply in public speaking.
Meanwhile, the tech giant’s offices in the US, UK, Canada, India, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Sweden, Switzerland, and Denmark have witnessed protests by human rights groups over its plan to re-enter China through the censored search application.
It has been witnessed by Google’s offices located in US, UK, India, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Sweden, Switzerland, Canada, and Denmark about protests by human rights groups concerning the plan to re-enter China through censored search application.
Since Google is known for respecting the privacy policies of its users and also the primary concern of Google is to provide quality to users, so it is in-process of thinking about the same.
For a piece of public information, many Senior Google Employees have resigned evidencing about lack of corporate transparency. This was done after the company has revealed its efforts to re-enter China through the search engine, Dragonfly.
Google has launched the search engine in China in the yar 2006 but has pulled back the service in the year 2010 as the Chinese Government was blocking out certain websites and free speeches.