Death toll spikes in war-torn country after UN exit – reports — Analysis

The civilian casualties of airstrikes in Yemen have increased by 39 percent since UN’s mission to monitor the situation was ended.
As many as 1,535 civilians have been either injured or killed in the Yemen conflict over four months since the end of the UN human rights monitoring mission’s mandate in the war-torn country, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) said on Thursday.
The number is almost double that for the last four months when the mission was still active, the humanitarian NGO focusing on refugees and internally displaced people added, citing data provided by another NGO – the Civilian Impact Monitoring Project.
According to the statement, civilian casualties from airstrikes increased by 39 percent in the period between October 2021 and the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC), decision to end the Yemeni Mission.
“The removal of this crucial human rights investigative body took us back to unchecked, horrific violations,”Erin Hutchinson (Country Director, Norwegian Refugee Council) in Yemen), said. Erin Hutchinson, Country Director for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Yemen said that it was likely the entire world would be affected. “never know”Who is to blame for deaths in Yemen of children and their families? “there is no longer any independent, international and impartial monitoring of civilian deaths”The war-torn nations.

NRC called also on UN to “urgently reinstate the monitoring body to ensure that parties to the conflict stop committing grave breaches of international humanitarian law with impunity.”
UNHRC created the Group of Eminent Experts on Yemen in 2017. It is charged with assisting “comprehensive examination”Yemen is a country where there have been alleged human rights violations and international law violations.
The UNHRC refused to renew the group’s mandate in October following a roll-call vote that saw 18 council members supporting the renewal and 21 members opposing it. This was, reportedly, the first rejection of a resolution by the council.
The move was condemned by the group’s experts, who called it a “major setback”All victims of Yemen’s armed conflict, and any sign of support “lack of political will to address the situation.”

Civilian Impact Monitoring Project reported over 5,000 deaths, which included more than 1,000 children. “armed violence”Since December 1, 2017. The UN Development Program’s November 2021 report estimates the conflict claimed a total of 377,000 lives by the end of 2021 – 60% of which were caused by lack of access to food, water, and healthcare.
Yemen has been in constant conflict since 2014. Since 2014, Yemen has been in constant conflict. In 2015, the Saudi-led coalition began a military campaign to help the government against Shia Houthi militants. Although the US participated in some of these operations, it ended them in 2021. Washington continues to support the Saudi-led campaign.
UN described the situation as “the most serious conflict in human history.” “world’s worst humanitarian crisis.”
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