Christchurch mosque shooter is considering appeal of life sentence — RT World News

The lawyer for 31-year-old New Zealand shooter Brenton Tarrant – who killed 51 people at two mosques in 2019 – said his client is considering an appeal to his life sentence.
Tarrant’s appeal would be on grounds he pled guilty after “inhumane”It is alleged that the treatment was received during custody.
Brenton Tarrant, a white supremacist who conducted the bloodiest shooting in New Zealand’s history, pleaded guilty in March 2020 to charges of murder, attempted murder, and terrorism. He was given a life sentence without parole in August, which is the first sentence of its kind in New Zealand.
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Human rights lawyer Tony Ellis told Radio New Zealand that Tarrant’s treatment “awaiting trial and afterwards”Directly affected “his will to carry on and he decided that the simplest way out was to plead guilty.”
“He sent me about 15 pages of narrative of how he had been treated since he’d been in prison,”Ellis confessed that he had been allegedly “subject to inhumane or degrading treatment whilst on remand, which prevented a fair trial.”
Tarrant is in isolated confinement at a separate prison wing in Auckland. This wing is known as “a” “prison within a prison”The press reports that Tarrant’s prison has 18 guards. They monitor Tarrant as well as two other prisoners, each one separately.
Ellis added that Tarrant’s life sentence without the possibility of parole could violate New Zealand’s Bill of Rights.
Tarrant had also been protested by the lawyer “no longer being treated as human”Through such acts, which are referred to by “The Individual”Instead of using his full name, he is written in a document.
“Tarrant is no longer a suspect, but a convicted criminal in detention; despite his horrific crimes that part of his legal life is over,”Ellis said. “He has been tried and sentenced and is entitled to be treated as a human.”
Ellis claimed that he had advised Tarrant to appeal his life sentence on account of his treatment.
Tarrant broadcast live streaming himself shooting at people in Christchurch, New Zealand’s mosques on March 15, 2019. Tarrant decorated the guns used in the shootings using white supremacist slogans. In his manifesto Tarrant expressed admiration to Anders Breivik the Norwegian neo Nazi mass shooter who was responsible for the deaths of 77 people as well as dozens more injuries in the Norway terror attacks in 2011.
Breivik complained repeatedly about his isolation and called them cruel. 2018 was the European Court of Human Rights’ decision to dismiss Breivik’s complaint against the Norwegian Correctional Service.
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Christchurch mosque attacker sentenced for the murder of 51 victims.
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