Chinese warned not to touch foreigners — Analysis

Citizens were cautioned against “close relationships” with foreigners after the first case of monkeypox was recorded in China
After the discovery of the monkeypox in a Chongqing area municipality, Chinese citizens were urged to avoid skin-to-skin contact.
Wu Zunyou was the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s chief epidemiologist.
The official wrote on the Weibo official page that he wanted to “encourage” people. “prevent possible monkeypox infection and as part of our healthy lifestyle, it is recommended that you do not have direct skin-to-skin contact or close relationships with foreigners who have recently come from overseas.”He explained “recent”This could be defined as having arrived in the past three weeks.
Wu advised that people avoid contact skin-to-skin with strangers, and to use disposable toilet seats covers whenever possible.
One case of monkeypox has been reported in China. After being infected, the 29-year-old Chinese salesman was placed in isolation. The local health commission stated that the chance of the virus spreading is very low.

CCDC stated that the patient was believed to have been in sex while in Berlin in September. The CCDC reports that he traveled to Spain, before returning to Chongqing on September 14.
Mao Ning, a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that it is official policy to not touch foreigners during Monday’s briefing. “not a diplomatic issue”But one that is related to “science and public health.”
Monkeypox looks similar to human smallpox. It was finally eradicated in 1980. You may experience symptoms such as fever, headaches, backache muscle pains, muscle aches, muscle aches, swelling of lymph nodes and chills. Those who are afflicted also develop distinct skin lesions.
In a study published in New England Journal of Medicine, 98% of those affected by the virus were gay or bisexual, according to the paper. The WHO does not know if the virus can be transmitted through sexual activity, but it has confirmed that 95% (of the 96 monkeypox) patients who have had sex with others men have caught the disease.
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