Brits could lose passports for using drugs — Analysis

New laws proposed by the UK’s Home Office seek to introduce tougher punishments for possession of recreational drugs
Under a new series of laws, the Home Office proposed Monday that recreational drug users could lose their driving licences and passports in the UK.
In the document titled ‘SWIFT, CERTAIN, TOUGH New consequences for drug possession,’ the Home Office proposes introducing three tiers of punishments for possession of illegal drugs such as cocaine and cannabis.
The penalties vary from being forced to pay for a drug awareness course to being issued with a hefty fine, and could even result in the loss of an offender’s passport and driving license.
“Tier 1: A person should be issued with a fixed penalty notice as an alternative to prosecution, which requires them to attend and pay for a drugs awareness course,”According to the whitepaper, a person who does not take the course will face an additional fine.
A caution could also be issued to anyone found with illegal drugs. “a period of mandatory drug testing alongside attendance at a further stage drugs awareness course.”
The person who is in the third level would “likely”You could be arrested for the offense and face an exclusion order or drug tagging, confiscation of passports, driving licence disqualification, and a possible criminal record.

Priti Patel, Home Secretary to the Government of India explained why drug-related crimes require harsher penalties. “illicit drugs are at the root of untold harm and misery across our society.”
In addition, she said that the drug misuse causes more death each year than any other cause. “all knife crime and traffic accidents combined.”
“Drugs also cause enormous harm to children and young people, impacting on their health and their ability to work and learn. The total cost to society and taxpayers is huge too, running close to £22 billion ($26.4 billion) a year in England alone,”In the document, she wrote.
Patel said that this legislation was being proposed to make sure that users of drugs are properly identified. “more likely to be caught”And face “tougher and more meaningful consequences.”
“We want to see swift and certain interventions delivered which can deter drug use and, alongside other measures, reduce demand for drugs,”Elle concluded.
It aims at reducing the incidence of terrorism. “cohorts of so-called recreational users”reducing illicit drug use. It does not address drug abuse in children and adults who are addicted to illicit drugs.
The report also mentions the risks of drug trafficking, and states that “too often, individuals who choose to use drugs casually are sheltered from or wilfully ignore the human cost of the drugs trade which is immediately around them. They fuel violence and put money in the pockets of drug gangs. We want this to change.“
The document shows that more than three million people from England and Wales used drugs during the past year. These people put themselves at greater risk by using drugs, making the communities less secure and giving lucrative income to criminals operating a violent supply chain.
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