Bill Gates’ ex-wife blames men for Washington’s failures — Analysis

Melinda French Gates argues that too many American white men have high-ranking jobs.
Philanthropist Melinda French Gates, ex-wife of Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, has blamed white men for what she sees as Washington’s political shortcomings, including the government’s failure to provide an adequate social safety net for Americans.
“You have to be frank: There are too many men with seats of power still on Capitol Hill in the United States,”French Gates spoke in this interview, published by Fortune magazine. The solution to the problem would be for more women to vote and less white politicians, she said. “We are the only industrialized country that doesn’t have a robust paid family medical leave policy, and that just shouldn’t be.”
French Gates’ comments were made despite recent strong gains in women and other non-white members of Congress. Women now hold 28% of US House and Senate seats, and the current Congress is the most racially diverse in America’s history, according to figures compiled by Congressional Research Service. Non-whites hold more than 27%.

“A lot of times, we think we’re going to get there on gender equality, that we might move the needle a little bit,”Fortune was told by French Gates “We kick up a percentage point or two, and we think, ‘Okay, we’re on our way to empowerment.’”
However, a report published this week by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation predicted that the world won’t achieve gender equality until at least 2108, “three generations later than we’d hoped.”French Gates stated one “great problem” is that female politicians don’t attract as much campaign funding as their male counterparts.
French Gates married her husband, then the world’s richest man, in 1994, seven years after landing a job at Microsoft. They announced their separation last year after allegations of Bill Gates’ infidelity and conflict over Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted pedophile.
Gates Empire still intact, as Melinda divorced recasts her role as HR specialist to the Biden administration. – Reports
French Gates emerged from the divorce as a billionaire philanthropist and political activist in her own right, reportedly lobbying President Joe Biden’s administration on such domestic policy issues as infrastructure investments and paid family leave.