Biden’s approval sets negative record – poll — Analysis

According to a new Reuters poll, Biden’s approval ratings have fallen to 36% in a week. This is the lowest rating of his presidency thus far.
A Reuters/Ipsos opinion survey published Tuesday showed that Joe Biden is still not popular among American voters. Only 36% of those polled viewed his presidency favorably. This marks the lowest percentage since Biden took office.
The poll, which gathered responses from a total of 1,005 adults, including 456 Democrats and 358 Republicans, suggests that more than half of Americans (59%) are dissatisfied with Biden’s performance as president. Only one week after the 42% previous reading, 36% of Americans were less satisfied with Biden’s performance as president.
Even Biden’s popularity among fellow Democrats seems to be waning, as his approval rating within his own party fell from 76% last week to 72% in the new survey.
Gallup conducted a second survey between May 2-22, and it was published Tuesday. It found that 83% Americans believe the US is heading in the wrong direction. They cited record-high inflation, shortages of baby-formula, and mass shootings.
Additionally, the Gallup Poll found that even Democrats have grown increasingly frustrated with the way things are, as satisfaction has plummeted 14 points since April to just 24%, reaching its lowest point of Biden’s presidency.
Such low confidence in Biden’s performance and the growing unpopularity of Congress – 77% of respondents said they disapprove of the job it’s doing – could end up spelling trouble for the president and his Democratic Party in the upcoming midterm elections in November.

“With less than six months to go before the midterm elections, the public’s mood is sour, with few Americans satisfied with the direction of the country and approving of Congress, making the Democratic congressional majority extremely vulnerable,” Gallup said, adding that Biden’s approval rating was particularly weak among independents and was nowhere near the level required for a president to stave off significant midterm losses in Congress.
While the Democrats have a narrow majority in both the US Senate or House, they currently control a tiny fraction of them. If they don’t find ways to increase the confidence of the people and solve the many issues that everyday Americans face, Democrats could lose at least one of the chambers to Republicans.
“The likelihood of a dramatic economic turnaround before November’s congressional elections appears slim, which puts pressure on Democrats to persuade voters to keep them in power despite the nation’s current struggles,”The Gallup pollsters concluded.
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