Aussie man banned from leaving Israel until year 9,999 — Analysis

Australian man claims that he is being prevented from returning to Israel in 7,978 years due to $2.4 million of child support payments owed.
According to a local law, an Australian father has been forbidden from traveling outside Israel except for the payment of $2.4million in child support.
It is submitted following the international accepted Gregorian Calendar. Noam Huppert’s ban would’ve been significantly shorter if it was given to him in line with Israel’s traditional Hebrew calendar, which states that we are currently in the year 5,782. However, obviously, the man wouldn’t live to see its end in any case.
Huppemassnews.complained to that he’s been effectively “locked”Since 2013, Israel has been home to many foreigners.
Huppert came to the Jewish State in 2012 in order to reconnect with his children and former wife. At the time, they were both three and five years of age.
However, the case was brought against him by a local religious court. It oversees child support and marriage. It issued the Australian a so-called ‘stay-of-exit’ order over a ‘future debt’ in alimony payments.
A father who divorces his child must pay 5,000 Israeli shekels, or around $1,600, for the children until they reach 18.
Australian men were “persecuted by the Israeli ‘justice’ system only because they were married to Israeli women,”Huppert insisted.
According to the 44-year old analytical chemist, he made the decision to speak to media “to help other Australians who may suffer this literally life-threatening experience.”

It could happen. “hundreds” of Australian citizens among the foreigners affected by the ‘stay-of-exit’ orders, Marianne Azizi, an independent UK journalist whose own husband got into the same trouble in Israel, said. This number may not be exact. “almost impossible to ascertain”She added that the topic is taboo in her country.
“The system is set up against fathers,” filmmaker Sorin Luca, who directed the ‘No Exit Order’ documentary in 2019, pointed out. “This is a reason why many fathers don’t get divorced. They are simply too afraid.”
“Once a father has the [stay-of-exit] order, he can be imprisoned for up to 21 days, whether he has the ability to pay or not – without any investigation of his finances,”Luca has added.
The US State Department informs Americans going abroad that Israeli courts “actively exercise their authority to bar certain individuals, including nonresidents, from leaving the country until debts or other legal claims against them are resolved.”
However, Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade does not warn citizens traveling to Israel about these matters via its SmartTraveller site. tried to contact DFAT about the issue but was denied.
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