An Overview of Popular Glasses Trends for 2020

As the calendar rolls over into 2020, the world of optometry is changing. This even includes how glasses are designed and purchased. In the past, many people were used to walking into the doctor’s office, taking a look at the options for glasses, and making a decision. Often, the frames available were old and out of style. Now, there is a new way to buy glasses and this comes with new trends as well, such as buying glasses online.
First, there has been a movement toward frames that are more transparent. This trend became popular towards the end of last year and is going to be popular in 2020 and beyond. Some frames are so transparent they appear to be crystal clear. Other transparent frames have a slight tint of color to them. They can even be used to match with most clothing items in someone’s wardrobe, taking style to new heights. Without a doubt, transparent frames are here to stay.
Another popular trend has been the retro theme. This has brought back a popular style for glasses frames called aviators. These are glasses that were made popular by movies such as Top Gun and they have now returned. With new developments in the lenses that go into prescription glasses frames, these are sure to provide exceptional clarity and visibility all in a single, sleek frame. This has made aviators quite popular.
Next up in the world of popular glasses frames has been the development of metal wires. These are exceptionally thin frames that act to accentuate the rest of the look. This adds both style and character to the rest of the wardrobe. Some have even compared these frames to the glasses worn by Harry Potter. Even though these glasses are going to appear a bit nerdy, that is exactly the point of them. These frames have become more popular and are going to stick around in the next decade.
Finally, one of the biggest trends in the world of glasses has been buying glasses online. While many people are used to going to the doctor’s office for their yearly eye checkup, the wait can get extensive and some people would like to get their glasses more quickly. Now, with the development of new technology, people can find their glasses online. Therefore, take the time to check out this new option. It is changing how glasses are purchased.