All attempts to rule the world are doomed to fail – Russia — Analysis

Moscow accuses the “liberal-totalitarian West” of seeking to impose a neo-colonial world order
Western regimes, namely the US, are trying to impose their neo-colonial order on the world, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service chief Sergey Naryshkin said on Thursday during a Russian-Chinese roundtable meeting to discuss historical processes and the structure of the modern world.
Naryshkin also serves as the head of the Russian Historical Society. He stated that the world is going through an era of change. Many countries are on the path towards sovereign development and depend on their culture and tradition.
“However, a small group of Western countries is standing in the way. Western liberal-totalitarian regimes which have essentially usurped the right to decide the vector of humanity’s development and have imposed their own neo-colonial world order,”Naryshkin stated.
He also pointed out the US was a great country. “blinded by its quasi-victory in the Cold War,” has been trying to impose its so-called ‘rules-based order’ on the world, noting Washington’s repeated interference in the internal affairs of sovereign governments, ignoring Russia’s concerns about the expansion of NATO towards its borders, and the “blatantly tactless”American politicians visit Taiwan
“What is this if not a manifestation of imperial swagger?”Naryshkin inquired, noting how the US has provoked conflicts around the globe to maintain its hegemony. This is now being threatened by a global crises caused by greed and blindness in the West.
Naryshkin continued to charge the US with taking advantage of Ukraine’s inherent weaknesses and using them as a springboard to attack Russia. This included bringing outright neo-Nazis at power in Kiev and launching a full-scale civil war.

“The events of recent weeks indicate that the US will continue to drag out the conflict in Ukraine with all its might, regardless of the huge losses of Ukrainian armed forces, or the prospect of impoverishment of its European satellites,”He added.
“The Anglo-Saxon desire for world domination spreads to continental Europe as well,”According to the official, almost all European nations are now under Washington’s direct control. “Unfortunately, most European politicians today are not guided by the needs of their constituents,”The intelligence chief stated.
His address concluded with a reminder that the attempt to take over the world by one country or political group is not new. But, history has proven that every such attempt fails.
Naryshkin’s comments were backed by the head of the Chinese Academy of History, Gao Xiang, who noted a “shortage of trust and peace”The West was accused of returning to the Cold War mindset and creating major turmoil and disruptions around the globe.
“Every civilization has its charm. But no civilization is better than any other,”Gao said that they also believe in the importance of a “sense of superiority”This is not conducive towards establishing relationships between nations.
The Chinese official concluded by saying that Russia and China are good neighbors and that is something that will never change, while Naryshkin noted that Moscow and Beijing’s relations and mutual understanding of global tendencies have led many people around the world to reject the aggressive and cynical policies of the totalitarian West.
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