7 Reasons to Have a Tree Cut Down by a Professional Service

Trees offer incredible benefits to homeowners, such as providing much-needed shade, enhancing property value, boosting curb appeal, and more. However, there are instances when the advantages of removing a tree outweigh the benefits that the tree provides. While cutting down a tree on your own may seem like a simple enough task, there are numerous reasons to use a professional tree trimming service to get the job done.
1- Improve Curb Appeal
Even a relatively small tree can have deep roots. These roots make it difficult for a homeowner to fully remove the tree. As a result, a do-it-yourself project likely will result in a large stump remaining in the yard. This detracts from curb appeal. Professional tree trimming services can grind the stump or employ other methods. Through these services, all signs of the tree will be removed from your yard.
2- Use Yard Space Advantageously
A remaining tree stump can be more than an eyesore. It can interfere with your ability to use the yard as desired. Many homeowners want to remove a tree to make better use of that space. For example, they may want to install a pool, add a children’s play area, create a fire pit area, or use the land for other purposes. It is not feasible to use the land as desired when a tree stump remains.
3- Deter a Pest Infestation
An old tree stump will eventually dry out and become a hospitable living environment for termites and other insects. These insects could cause serious damage to your home. They could bite or sting people. They may also attract animals that eat insects into your yard. Professional tree trimmers can fully remove the tree and the stump, eliminating the possibility of an infestation.
4- Prevent Injuries
A tree stump is more than a large eyesore in your yard. It is a hazard that can cause injury to you, a family member, or a visitor. Even when the stump is cut very close to the ground level, it may be a source of trip-and-fall accidents. Keep in mind that removing a tree on your own can be dangerous as well. Both falling tree branches and the use of heavy-duty cutting equipment on a ladder can expose you and others nearby to the risk of serious injury.
5- Avoid Property Damage
If the tree that you want to be removed from your property is located close to your home, a fence, or another structure, using professional tree cutting services can minimize the risk of property damage. It is difficult for an untrained person to properly determine where a falling tree limb or trunk will land. Professionals know how to properly cut the branches and trunk so that they land in a safe area and do not cause property damage.
6- Skip Equipment Rentals and Purchases
Some trees stand 30 or 40 feet in the area, if not higher. To cut the tree yourself, you may need a very tall ladder as well as safety harnesses, pruners, a chainsaw, and other equipment. Many of these items can be rented from a local home improvement store. However, the rental costs can add up. This is particularly true when you take into account the time required to complete the project. You may need to rent the equipment for several days. You can bypass equipment rentals and purchases with professional tree trimming services.
7- Mulch or Remove the Tree
After cutting down a tree yourself, you would be left with an enormous pile of leaves, twigs, branches, and trunk sections. Paying someone to haul the mess off can cost a small fortune. Renting a heavy-duty mulcher can also be cost-prohibitive. Professional tree cutters can haul the tree away or mulch the material for you to use in your gardens and beds.
Cutting a tree down is not a do-it-yourself project. You can save yourself time, money, and grief by hiring a professional team to do the work for you.